
In YoYo Lander’s Dynamic Portraits, Layers of Stained Paper Capture Light and Shadow

Detail of “Hold That Thought #1” (2021), stained, washed and collaged watercolor paper on watercolor paper, 20 x 16 inches. All images courtesy of YoYo Lander, shared with permission

In YoYo Lander’s Dynamic Portraits, Layers of Stained Paper Capture Light and Shadow

From individually stained snippets of watercolor paper, YoYo Lander collages elaborate portraits.

Each work begins with a photo session during which the artist focuses on capturing the sitter’s unique gestures, poses, and expressions. She then combines the reference images into a singular composition that conveys a particular emotion or experience.


In a recent body of work, Lander dresses her sitters in the same green sweater, the kindred knit signifying personal and collective growth and transformation. Similar to earlier pieces like “Hold That Thought #1” and “The Parts of Me That Get No Applause #2,” the more recent portraits are dynamic and impeccably constructed to convey light hitting a cheekbone or the shadow of a garment fold. Viewed up close, the textured, layered paper adds immense intricacy and depth to the already lively compositions.

Many works shown here are included in Lander’s solo show Yesterday Was Hard, which is curated by Superposition Gallery for Phillips Los Angeles and on view until October 11. The artist frequently shares glimpses into her process on Instagram, so head there for more.

“Hold That Thought #1” (2021), stained, washed, and collaged watercolor paper on watercolor paper, 20 x 16 inches
Detail of “Naty”
“The Parts of Me That Get No Applause #2” (2022), stained, washed and collaged watercolor paper on watercolor paper, 24 x 15.5 inches
Detail of “Helen”

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