
Vibrant Life Emanantes from Meggan Joy’s Magical Collaged Silhouettes

“Try One’s Luck.” All images courtesy of J. Rinehart Gallery, shared with permission

Vibrant Life Emanantes from Meggan Joy’s Magical Collaged Silhouettes

Thousands of individual flowers and plants grown in Meggan Joy’s Seattle garden form the contours of her ethereal figures. The artist (previously) collages perfectly trimmed photographs of each specimen into silhouettes lush with color and texture.

In her most recent body of work titled Fever Dream, Joy draws on fear, loss, and the immense potential for pain. “Wide and Wild,” for example, depicts a woman cradling a Eurasian Eagle Owl near her heart. “She’s a piece for when you find your person (whether that be a lover, friend, kids, whatever), and once you have them, you know that if they disappear in any way, you also will be gone,” the artist shares in a statement.

“Wide and Wild”

Others relate to bad decisions yielding positive experiences and how etermal bonds require patience and understanding. Each work, Joy shares, “whisper(s) the components of the stories that tested us and, instead of condemning our faults, reveal that those moments left us the most exciting scars.

Fever Dream is on view through September 25 at J. Rinehart Gallery. Follow Joy’s work on Instagram.

“Thick As Thieves”
“Thick As Thieves”
“Try One’s Luck”
Detail of “Wide and Wild”

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