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    An Astonishing Exhibition Shows How Ancient Mesopotamians Not Only Worshiped, But Respected, Women

    She lived more than 4,000 years ago, she was a Sumerian priestess and, worth mentioning, she was the first recorded author in the world. Her name is Enheduanna, and her place in history is finally being recognized in a new show at New York’s Morgan Library and Museum.
    It’s an exhibition that tells an extraordinary story of not just one individual, but of the role of women as a whole in the ancient society of the Fertile Crescent. Not only did the Mesopotamians worship the goddess Ishtar (in Akkadian) or Inanna (in Sumerian), but they also respected women and their important societal contributions, whether as mothers or wet nurses, as skilled agriculture or textile workers, or as religious priestesses with cultic responsibilities.
    In the most famous of three poems attributed to Enheduanna, The Exaltation of Inanna, she writes about a usurper named Lugalanne exiling her from her post—and the goddess coming to her aid and restoring her to the temple. The first 60 lines start off as a simple prayer. But then, something unprecedented happens, and the author identifies herself: “I am Enheduanna, let me speak to you my prayer.”
    “For the first time in world literature, the writer steps forward and uses the first persons singular and introduces autobiography,” curator Sidney Babcock, head of the Morgan’s department for ancient Western Asian seals and tablets, told Artnet News during a tour of the show. “And what does she write about? Abuse, sexual harassment, defilement, exile, the destructive forces of nature, things that are with us to this very day. And it’s profound and it’s personal. A very strong voice comes through.”
    While the exhibition takes its starting point from Enheduanna, most of the artifacts on view are stone carvings depicting women, and the material is in and of itself significant for a culture located on a flood plain where most buildings were made from mud, the most common natural resource.
    “Stones represent imported, rare, raw materials,” Babcock said. “That they should immortalize women’s roles is extraordinary. We have women tending animals, women making pottery, and women at a loom weaving. This one shows a priestess in front of a temple, and they’re bringing her offerings.”
    Cylinder seal (and modern impression) with two female figures presenting offerings Mesopotamia, Sumerian, possibly Umma (modern Tell Jokha) Early Dynastic IIIa period (ca. 2,500 B.C.E.) Photo by Olaf M. Teßmer, ©Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Vorderasiatisches Museum.
    The artworks to which he was pointing are tiny carvings on round cylinder seals, which the Mesopotamians would have rolled onto clay tablets, using them to prove the authenticity of these written documents. (The show features impressions made with contemporary reproductions of each seal, to better visualize the imagery.)
    “Many institutions have these early seals where the role of women has been commemorated and preserved, but they’re mostly overlooked,” Babcock said. “I thought we should celebrate them.”
    That these cylinders record the activities of women may seem unusual to modern viewers. That they depict women of all classes, not just the elite, carrying out daily activities—even a scene of childbirth, rarely seen throughout art history—seems almost unbelievable.
    Cylinder seal (and modern impression) with birth scene Mesopotamia, Sumerian Early Dynastic III period (ca. 2,600–2,350 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
    Other sculptures on view are diminutive figures of women that at first glance may seem unremarkable. But unlike many ancient statues of women, these delicately carved artworks aren’t fertility figures, and these aren’t ancient royalty.
    “These are individuals. This is sort of the beginning of portraiture,” Babcock said, pointing to the subtle modeling and fine carving in the sculptures. “These are so sophisticated. To combine stylized details to a natural whole, that is a sign of a great thinking artist.”
    The curator first considered staging an Enheduanna exhibition a decade ago, and it was delayed three times due to the pandemic. But despite the logistical challenges that caused, the Morgan secured loans from museums around the world, making sure to install the sculptures to be seen in the round, for viewers to be able to appreciate the details such as the women’s flowing hair from all sides.
    Kneeling female figure Iran, proto-Elamite, Susa (modern Shush) Late Uruk period (ca. 3300 B.C.E.) Photo by Les frères Chuzeville, ©Musée de l’Armée, Dist., RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, New York.
    The curator stopped before a statue of a female worshipper kneeling in prayer, on loan from the Louvre in Paris. “At her home institution, she’s on a glass shelf with about 20 other things, and here she just fills the case,” he said. “She embodies this sense of humility before the divine or the unknown, whatever you want to call it.”
    Another highlight, a heavily damaged bust of a woman borrowed from the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin, isn’t even on regular view back in Germany.
    “She’s so magnificent, but she’s so battered,” Babcock said. “The reason why she looks like that is that she survived the bombings of the World War II in Berlin. And here she is. She survived.”
    Cylinder seal (and modern impression) of Queen Puabi Mesopotamia, Sumerian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), PG 800, Puabi’s Tomb Chamber, against Puabi’s upper right arm Early Dynastic IIIa period (ca. 2,500 B.C.E.) Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    The show also includes the first depiction of a named woman in recorded history, a stone scraper that shows a woman raising her hands in front of her mouth. Inscriptions on the object and an accompanying chisel, both dated to around 3,000 B.C.E., identify her as KA-GÍR-gal, and suggest that she was a co-seller in some kind of land deal.
    The centerpiece of the exhibition is a stunning golden headdress archaeologists found in the tomb of Queen Puabi of Ur, identified only by her own name, not in relation to a male relative or husband. Babcock believes that Puabi may have worn the gorgeous ensemble, on loan from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, during nighttime rituals celebrating the moon god, the chief god of Ur.
    “Imagine the total darkness of Southern Mesopotamia, and the bright light of the moon on the flood plain, and how this gold headdress, which just reflects the moon and glistens,” he said. “The whole thing would be absolutely dazzling.”
    Queen Puabi’s funerary ensemble Mesopotamia, Sumerian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), PG 800, Puabi’s Tomb Chamber, on Puabi’s body Early Dynastic IIIa period (ca. 2,500 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    But the star of the show is still Enheduanna. The daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, the author took her name, which means “high priestess, ornament of heaven,” when he appointed her priestess of the temple of the moon god.
    “We don’t have any texts from her own time, but Enheduanna’s work was considered so important that it was one of the 10 works that were taught in all scribal schools for hundreds of years after her lifetime,” Babcock said. “So her writings survived in copies.”
    But Babcock believes that Enheduanna wasn’t unique, and that there is evidence of a more widespread female literacy in Mesopotamia. He’s especially excited about a small kneeling statue of a woman, also on loan from the Vorderasiatisches.
    “When this was published by the German scholar, a hundred and something years ago, he said ‘Woman with tablet in her lap, meaning unclear.’ It’s been forgotten until this exhibition, and we have resurrected it as the visual proof of women in literacy,” Babcock said. “It is from slightly later than Edheduanna’s time, but if it’s not her image, then it’s an image of what she meant for successive generations.”
    See more works from the exhibition below.
    Disk of Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon Mesopotamia, Akkadian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), gipar Akkadian period (ca. 2,300 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    Seated female figure with tablet on lap Mesopotamia, Neo-Sumerian Ur III period (ca. 2,112–2,004 B.C.E.). Photo by Olaf M. Teßmer, ©Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Vorderasiatisches Museum.

    Tablets inscribed with “The Exaltation of Inanna” in three parts Mesopotamia, possibly Larsa (modern Tell Senkereh) Old Babylonian period (ca. 1,750 B.C.E.). Photo by Klaus Wagensonner, courtesy of the Yale Babylonian Collection.

    Vessel with faces of female deities Mesopotamia, Sumerian Early Dynastic IIIa period (ca. 2500 B.C.E.). Photo by Art Resource, New York, ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
    Vessel with faces of female deities Mesopotamia, Sumerian Early Dynastic IIIa period (ca. 2500 B.C.E.). Photo by Art Resource, New York, ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
    Fragment of a vessel with frontal image of goddess Mesopotamia, Sumerian Early Dynastic IIIb period (ca. 2400 B.C.E.). Photo by Olaf M. Teßmer, ©Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Vorderasiatisches Museum.
    Cylinder seal (and modern impression) with sheep and stylized plants Mesopotamia, Sumerian Late Uruk–Jemdet Nasr period (ca. 3300–2900 B.C.E.). Photo by Klaus Wagensonner (seal) and Graham S. Haber (impression).
    Stele of Shara-igizi-Abzu Mesopotamia, Sumerian, possibly Umma (modern Tell Jokha) Early Dynastic I–II period (ca. 2900–2600 B.C.E.). Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, funds from various donors, 1958.
    Seated female figure with vessel in hands Mesopotamia, Neo-Sumerian, Girsu (modern Tello) Ur III period (ca. 2,112–2,004 B.C.E.). Photo by Franck Raux, ©RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, New York.
    Cylinder seal (and modern impression) with goddesses Ninishkun and Ishtar Mesopotamia, Akkadian Akkadian period (ca. 2,334–2,154 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
    Cylinder seal with mother and child attended by women Mesopotamia, Akkadian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), PG 871 Akkadian period (ca. 2,334–2,154 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    Modern impression with mother and child attended by women Mesopotamia, Akkadian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), PG 871 Akkadian period (ca. 2,334–2,154 B.C.E.). Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    Head of a high priestess (?) with inlaid eyes Mesopotamia, Akkadian, Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar), area EH, south of gipar Akkadian period (ca. 2334–2154 BC). Photo courtesy of the Penn Museum.
    Fragment of a standing female figure with clasped hands Mesopotamia, Neo-Sumerian, Girsu (modern Tello) Possibly the reign of Gudea, ruler of Lagash (ca. 2,150 B.C.E.). Photo by Thierry Olivier, ©Musée du Louvre, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Thierry Olivier/Art Resource, New York.
    “Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia” is on view at the Morgan Library and Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, New York, October 14, 2022–February 19, 2023.
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    A New Royal Academy Show Explores Modernism Through the Eyes of Four Women Artists Who Helped Shape the Movement

    There’s some wild painting on show in London in Making Modernism. The Royal Academy’s new exhibition of women artists working in Germany in the early 20th century offers a fresh perspective on some of the great Modernist subjects—nightlife, the nude, the self. The work is burningly experimental—I spent ages hovering in close, trying to work out how paint had been applied—and distinctive in viewpoint.
    Gabriele Münter portrays small children as complex beings full of thoughts and feelings. One grasps himself anxiously, another cocks her head, full of attitude. Paula Modersohn-Becker’s retort to the supine nudes of art history is to paint herself standing upright, naked but for a straw hat trailing orange ribbons—a color picked up in the fruit she holds, and the assertive triangle of her pubic hair. In Gabriele Werefkin’s The Dancer Alexander Sacharoff (1909), the gender-fluid performer emerges from fields of ascending blue, his skin, pale as a duck egg, illuminated by coral red burning from his eyes, lips and cheeks. Käthe Kollwitz translates studies of her own body writhing in sexual frenzy into a series of etchings showing skeletal death wrestling a grieving mother for the body of her child. 
    Paula Modersohn-Becker, Self-portrait as a Standing Nude with Hat (1906). Image courtesy Paula Modersohn-Becker Stiftung, Bremen.
    Making Modernism is the work of British curator Dorothy Price, who has researched, written about, and taught German Modernism for, she admits “all of [my] adult life, basically.” Some 30 years ago, during her postgraduate research into the art and images of 1920s Berlin, Price realized that there was “a huge gap between how art history is constructed and taught in UK academia, and the existence of a whole world of women.” Even her own PhD thesis presented “a one-sided view of modernism—it [didn’t] take account of female subjectivity at all.” So she went back and started to explore the lives and art of the women working in Germany at the time. Recently appointed Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art and Visual Culture at London’s Courtauld Institute, Price’s scholarship has introduced British art history students to the work of important women artists, most notably Paula Modersohn-Becker.
    With the exception of Käthe Kollwitz, the artists in Making Modernism have been little, if ever, shown in Britain. And as Price admits, the exhibition only “scratches the surface” of the subject. “It would be great if this prompts other institutions in this country to do monographic shows.”
    In the opening gallery, Price positions her artists within a dynamic creative milieu, demonstrating how deeply involved they were in conversations around color, spirituality, psychoanalysis, and modern society. In one interior study, Gabriele Münter shows her partner Wassily Kandinsky peeping over the bedcovers in an adjacent room. In another, he is seated at the kitchen table in his slippers, deep in conversation with the artist Erma Bossi. Münter also paints Paul Klee in a deep blue armchair, his head positioned as though an artifact in the collection of Folk Art arranged on a shelf behind him. 
    As with the Barbican’s (unfortunately overloaded) 2018 exhibition Modern Couples, Making Modernism not only moves away from the idea of the avant-garde as a boys’ club, it also reminds us that ideas seldom emerge in isolation. Münter and Kandinsky weren’t just sharing a bed: they painted side by side, argued, conversed, and hung out with artist friends.  
    How important were these women to developments in the art of this period? “From my perspective—from things I’ve read, and from their own words, none of it could really have happened without the women in the circle,” explains Price. The influence was material, as well as intellectual. “Münter financed Kandinsky, Marianne Werefkin financed [Alexej Von] Jawlensky. So [the avant-garde group] Der Blaue Reiter would not have been the same without Münter and Werefkin at all.” 
    Living in twinned apartments with Jawlensky in Munich, Werefkin held artists’ salons where “ideas were discussed and fermented,” says Price. “The idea of the Phalanx and Neue Künstlervereinigung [art groups] and all those avant-garde moments are born in the salon.”
    Werefkin, meanwhile, was recording her own ideas about art in an epistolary diary, published after her death in 1938 as Lettres à un Inconnu (Letters to a Stranger). “She talks a lot in terms of the spirituality of color,” notes Price. “This was in the early 1900s, prior to Kandinsky publishing Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1912), where he obviously talks a lot about spirituality and color. The kernel of those ideas are already being written in Werefkin’s diaries. She records having conversations with Kandinsky and him dismissing her ideas a little bit, so there’s interesting gender politics around those diaries as well.”
    Marianne Werefkin, Circus – Before the Show (1908/10). Image courtesy of Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren. Photo: © Peter Hinschlaeger
    In addressing female subjectivity, Price was keen to include works that suggested female sexual desire “because we don’t often see that in Modernism—we see a lot of male sexual desire.” Pondering the ways in which male desire manifests itself in art of the time, the treatment of girlhood in this exhibition is particularly striking. 
    Ottilie Reylaender’s Beta Naked (ca.1900) portrays a chilly-looking 12-year-old dwarfed by the high-backed chair she’s perched on. Tense and a little cross, her pale limbs poke out of the darkness of a wintery interior. As Price points out, Reylaender was a teenager herself at the time—just 17 or 18: “There’s not a massive difference in age, probably five years or so between model and the artist. So there’s a different kind of relationship between artist and model. It’s a girl on the cusp of adulthood—Ottilie—painting a girl on the cusp of pubescence. A really interesting dynamic.”
    Throughout the show, girlhood is addressed without sentimentality or prurience. Werefkin’s Portrait of a Girl (1913) is towering—eyes closed, she seems caught in private thought. In Modersohn-Becker’s Seated Nude Girl, Her Legs Pulled Up (ca.1904), the artist paints her stepdaughter Elsbeth looking cold and a little bored. The artist wrote of the awkwardness she felt in paying local children to model for her when living in the artists’ colony in rural Worpswede. “In all representations of the nude there’s a power relationship,” notes Price. “I think what’s interesting about the ones that I’m showing is that it’s not a sexualized power relationship in the same way as, say, Gauguin or Munch. But it is a power relationship nevertheless. And it’s a class one.” 
    Käthe Kollwitz, Woman with Dead Child (1903).  © Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln
    No one at this point would argue the importance of shining a light on overlooked women artists. Taking the position of devil’s advocate, I ask Price what these women actually bring to the story of Modernism? She directs my attention to the central room in the show, which explores intimacy. On one side are Kollwitz’s powerfully claustrophobic studies of maternal love and grief, and her own experience of illicit sexual pleasure. On the other, Modersohn-Becker brings the mannered poise of Renaissance saints into her treatment of solid flesh-and-blood women, complete with dirty fingernails and ruddy faces. The nude is re-imagined as a maternal figure.  
    “We’re seeing the female perspective on Modernity,” says Price, simply. “I wanted to think about what the themes of modernism are, typically, and how they then are recalibrated if we look at them through the eyes of women artists.”
    Making Modernism: Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 12 November 2022–12 February 2023

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    In Pictures: See Joan Didion’s Art, Furnishings, and Personal Effects That Embody Her ‘Bicoastal Glamour’ and Are Up for Auction

    Just under a year after her passing, Joan Didion’s personal estate has come to auction. Until November 16, “An American Icon: Property From the Collection of Joan Didion” at Stair Galleries, an auction house in Hudson, NY, present an intimate view of the acclaimed writer and critic through 224 lots that reveal Didion’s tastes, style, and sensibilities.
    Those lots include fine art—some depicting Didion herself, her late husband John Dunne, and daughter Quintana Roo—alongside furniture, homeware, and books by the likes of Norman Mailer and Joyce Carol Oates. Proceeds will benefit Columbia University’s research into movement disorders (Didion died of complications related to Parkinson’s), and the Sacramento City College scholarship for women in literature, both chosen by Didion’s family.
    The sale was spearheaded by New York-based consulting group Art Market Advisors, which approached Stair Galleries to make a proposal to Didion’s estate. “We have a strong history of handling single-owner collections from notable people,” Lisa Thomas, Director of Fine Arts Department at Stair Galleries, told Artnet News. “We were thrilled to have been chosen.”
    “We chose items for the sale that would help us tell the story of who Joan Didion was and how she lived in her private space,” she continued. “Every item in the sale has meaning in some way.”
    The digital catalog notes that Didion and her family embodied an intellectual, bicoastal glamour that translated into Didion’s writing—and her belongings. Upon seeing her parents’ new Upper East Side apartment in 1988, Quintana Roo reportedly remarked, “I hope you California it up.”
    And Didion, who grew up in Sacramento, certainly did. Among the lots is an image that depicts a West Coast Didion, perched atop her Stingray Corvette for photographer Julian Wasser shortly after the publication of Slouching Towards Bethlehem in 1968. The writer’s own art collection favors landscapes, nature, and abstraction, with works by Jennifer Bartlett and Richard Diebenkorn harkening, as always, back to California.
    Didion’s craft also centers the “An American Icon”: her Victorian-style rattan chair, her XL partner’s desk from California, and a set of unused notebooks—preloaded with potential—collectively offer a picture of where and how she wrote.
    Preview more of the collection below.
    Pair of Celine Faux Tortoiseshell Sunglasses. Estimate: $400–$800

    Les Johnson, Portrait of Joan Didion (1977). Estimate: $3,000–$5,000

    Richard Serra, Malcolm X (1981). Estimate: $10,000–$15,000

    Jennifer Bartlett, House: Dots, Hatches (1999). Estimate: $2,000–$4,000

    American Oak, Walnut and Bird’s Eye Maple Partner’s Desk, J. Breuner, Sacramento, California. Estimate: $8,000–$12,000

    Richard Diebenkorn, Twelve (1986). Estimate: $50,000–$70,000

    Group of Three Victorian Style Upholstered and Oak Slipper Chairs. Estimate: $500–$700

    Mary Ellen Mark, John Dunne and Joan Didion – New York City (1996). Estimate: $2,000—$4,000

    Transfer Printed Porcelain “California” Charger. Estimate: $200–$300

    Annie Leibovitz, Joan and Quintana (1989). Estimate: $3,000–$5,000
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    In Pictures: See the Cheerfully Unsettling Pop Surrealist Barbie Dolls Set to Debut at Kasmin’s L.A. Pop-Up This Week

    When it was announced last week that Mattel was teaming up to launch a limited-edition, collectable line of Barbie dolls with painter Mark Ryden, the so-called “godfather of Pop Surrealism,” the pairing made an unexpected kind of sense.
    This Friday, fans get their first chance to get their hands on the special art Barbies at a pop-up in L.A. put on by Kasmin, Ryden’s gallery. The exhibition features a 1994 work, Saint Barbie, which shows a young girl piously praying to a divine Barbie. Today it is one of Ryden’s best known works. For the “Pink Pop” show, the artist is also debuting a new series of paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
    “Barbie has made appearances in my art for a long time,” Ryden said in a statement. “It is difficult to define Barbie. She is a cultural phenomenon, an archetypal figure. She is a bona fide celebrity, a subject worthy for Andy Warhol to portray alongside the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe.”
    A centerpiece of the collaboration is “Nature Queen Barbie,” a one-of-a-kind figurine with chartreuse hair and a dress sprouting a bouquet of animal heads, as well as a gold crown.
    Nature Queen is the centerpiece of the “Pink Pop” exhibit by Mark Ryden X Barbie. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Nature Queen is the centerpiece of the “Pink Pop” exhibit by Mark Ryden X Barbie. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Nature Queen is the centerpiece of the “Pink Pop” exhibit by Mark Ryden X Barbie. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    As for the more collectable Ryden-themed Barbies, notable is “Bee Barbie,” who wears a bee-striped fur dress and hood, and has bee wings and a deathly pale face. “She’s sweeter than nectar and deep like a sting,” the Mattel Creations site enthuses. “Bee Barbie” is $150.
    Barbie Bee Doll is part of the limited edition Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Barbie Bee Doll is part of the limited edition Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Certificate for Barbie Bee Doll. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    The signature product of the Mark Ryden x Barbie collab is likely the “Pink Pop Barbie,” awash in Barbie-core synthetic pink. With candy-stripe stockings and a purse in the form of a T-bone steak, the doll is accompanied by a pet yak and a goony, sentient flower pot. It is $350.
    Pink Pop Barbie Doll is part of the limited edition Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Pink Pop Barbie Doll is part of the limited edition Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Detail of Pink Pop Barbie Doll from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Detail of Pink Pop Barbie Doll from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Yak from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Flower pot from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Higher up the price scale is the “Mark Ryden x Barbie at the Surrealist Ball” set, which goes for $500. It features two dolls, each with cropped bangs and a dress studded with surreal motifs. One has an orb on her head; the other, a star.
    The set also comes with an occult-like pedestal with a dodecahedron studded with glazed, starring eyes.
    Black and White Surrealist Ball Dolls is part of the limited edition Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    One of the dolls part of the Black and White Surrealist Ball Doll set from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    One of the dolls part of the Black and White Surrealist Ball Doll set from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    The Surrealist pedestal from the Black and White Surrealist Ball Doll set from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    A variety of merch related to the collection ranges from a $50 Mark Ryden x Barbie “Bee Brooch” and a $60 “Pink Pop Umbrella” up to a $300 Mark Ryden x Barbie “Pink Pop Purse.”
    Mark Ryden X Barbie pin. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Selection of pins from the Mark Ryden X Barbie collection. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Mark Ryden X Barbie umbrella. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    Mark Ryden X Barbie handbag. Image courtesy of Mattel Creations.
    The full capsule and accessories are available to purchase exclusively at Kasmin for one week before they open to the broader Barbie-collecting public from November 18.
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    Truffles, Private Collection Tours, and Tons of Prizes: Turin’s Contemporary Art Scene Shines During the Artissima Fair

    Before heading out to Turin last week, a U.S. collector offered me an unforgettable review of the city’s Artissima art fair: “It’s the only fair where you can trade art for truffles.”
    The comment turns out to be more about attitude than actuality (though the prices are somewhat comparable, Italian truffles go for about $1,500 a pound), and though I did not see any knobbly fungi circulating the fair, I ate them elsewhere over handmade tagliatelle during my visit. What the collector meant is that, in Turin, food, wine, and art are parts of a whole, much more so than in other fair towns like Basel, Cologne, or even Madrid. This is Italy, after all.
    The city of Turin, nestled as a posh base camp of the Italian Alps, is one of the country’s richer cities, and the region in and around it is a heartland of big industry and banking, as well as nobility. Among the companies with headquarters there are car manufacturers Fiat and Alfa Romeo, Italy’s largest bank Intesa Sanpaolo, and coffee brand Lavazza, to name a few.
    Turin is also the old seat of the royal family of Italy, the House of Savoy, and this history lingers in the air along its parade-ready avenues. The fair’s VIP list, in turn, is clustered with deep-pocketed, cultured shareholders as well as some distant dynastic wealth, and, crucially, the eagle-eyed curators of these two sets’ various foundations.
    Artissima 2022, Photo credit: Perottino – Piva – Peirone / Artissima
    Some of these important people from the region dined together on Wednesday night, around white-clothed tables at Castello di Rivoli’s Michelin-starred restaurant. They were brought to the museum to celebrate the opening of Olafur Eliasson’s exhibition “Trembling Horizons.”
    In the other wing, a maze of palace rooms contain the storied Cerutti collection, as well as Beeple’s rather expensive Human One, a digital sculpture of a walking astronaut, on loan from digital art collector Ryan Zurrer. It stands alongside Francis Bacon’s Study for Portrait IX (1956–57).
    One Italian collector I ran into was sitting near the pair of works. “If the French had an inch of the taste and talent of the Italians…” he said, speaking of neither Bacon nor Beeple, whose work he did not care for in the least, but of the castle architecture itself that surrounded it.
    Human One by Michael Winkelmann (Beeple) at Rivoli Castle Modern Art Museum, Turin. Photo: Roberto Serra—Iguana Press/Getty Images.
    Anything that takes place in Turin is certainly imbued with a bit of aesthetic magic, because the sites and landscape of the city are so particularly lovely. The late artist Carol Rama’s studio is here, on the top floor of a historic building, where she blocked off all the windows because Turin was too beautiful and distracting for her. It remains intact and, since her death in 2015, is open for tours.
    To build his world at the Castelo di Rivoli, Eliasson also darkened the museum’s tall and long Manica Lunga gallery wing, which has been broken up with kaleidoscopic sculptures that you can step inside. The wobbly light projections create an illusion (sort of) that the projections go beyond the walls of the room.
    Though the Rivoli’s show seemed to be aiming for embodied sensation and immersion, it was less engaging the installation by U.S. artist Arthur Jafa at OGR Turin, housed in a late-19th-century steam engine repair facility, yet another testament to the old industrial power in Turin. Viewers sat on a large wedge of wood that trembled and vibrated under the weight of a booming soundscape accompanying an 85-minute video of a waving sea made up of computer-generated black rocks. The ocean of stones ebb and flow, rising at points to seemingly threaten to submerge the viewer before receding again, and the horizon returns.
    The cinematic installation, conceived together with London’s Serpentine Galleries, was another brilliant manifestation of Jafa’s nuanced inquiry into Black identity through the avenues of visual archives and music. He described the abstract film work, a bold step away from his rapid-cut found-footage works, to the Giornale d’ell Arte as “a [James] Turrell while chained to the bottom of a ship.”
    View of Arthur Jafa’s show “RHAMESJAFACOSEYJAFADRAYTON,” at OGR Torino. Photo: Kate Brown.
    Meanwhile the art fair Artissima, around which all these high-budget openings were coordinated, is known for being ripe for fresh discoveries, a reputation that I found to be true.
    It is hosted at the former Olympic sports arena from the 2006 winter games in Turin. And while there is a more collaborative spirit here, it was noticeably international, gathering 174 dealers with footholds in 27 countries. This is not a regional fair, either—Italian galleries are outnumbered by visitors.
    Seven curators are involved in the fair’s selection of works or galleries in different capacities, which brings an array of positions. There is, for example, a curated section dedicated to drawing, and emerging art is at its core in another centrally located sector called “Present Future,” not tucked in a back corner like many other fairs. Artissima’s new director, Luigi Fassi, is also a curator.
    Rossella Biscotti Trees on land (Alberi sulla terra) (2021) at Mor Charpentier, Paris and Bogotà. Photo: Perottino-Piva-Peirone / Artissima.
    Delegations of institutions were omnipresent. “I hate art fairs, but I like Artissima,” one German museum director told me between sips of cold Barrolo wine. And while there is a nearly dizzying amount of different awards handed out across the four days of the fair, they are a good-natured effort to offer concrete engagement from the fair’s sponsors.
    There was also a roll call of acquisitions: the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT acquired 10 works; Castello di Rivoli bought a group of poignant sculptures—large reconstructed clay urns made with the ashes of burned olive trees by Rossella Biscotti—on view at Mor Charpentier; and work by Simone Forti, on view at Raffaela Cortesi, was among the work acquired by GAM – Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna di Torino.
    All in all, dealers seem pleased with the quality of the fair and the interest and engagement its visitors bring, not to mention a more intimate access to the Italian elite than one might experience at larger fairs like Art Basel. Though, as one dealer said, you might need to give a heavy discount for a work here, it is usually because what you are selling is entering a formidable public collection.
    Foreign collectors were in town, including Frédéric de Goldschmidt and Alain Servais, among special attendees to Patrizia Sandretto re Rebaudengo’s annual dinner at her home, which included curator Hans Ulrich Obrist, artist Oscar Murillo, outgoing Art Basel global director Marc Spiegler, and Jafa. The artfully choreographed and sumptuous dinner is hosted by the influential contemporary art patron, a cornerstone of Turin’s art scene. A testament to this is her foundation, which has a large display of Victor Man’s contemplative paintings and a new commission by Beirut artist Lawrence Abu Hamdan. At her home on the main floor, there is work by Avery Singer, Maurizio Cattelan, and Jana Euler; the house understandably has its own floor map available to visitors.
    Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo’s home. Photos Maurizio Elia, Courtesy Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection
    “I’m quite happy that at my hometown fair, there is the right quantity of people,” Sandretto re Rebaudengo said, speaking in reference to Paris+ and Frieze, which were marred by overcrowded halls and long cues. “You can move around and speak with the galleries,” she noted.
    That said, in Italy, much like everywhere else, the effects of the pandemic still linger, one of which is that the art world’s venues have experienced dips in attendance—and, in tandem, ticket revenue—as well as more precarious situations for funding. This is helped in no way by the war in Ukraine.
    Just before Turin’s art week events began, over in Florence, the Uffizi director Eike Schmidt was forced to keep the museum closed over a public holiday due to cost-cutting around staff. After a prickly comment was received from the new culture secretary Gennaro Sangiuliano, Schmidt reminded his new boss that Italy’s museums need economic “reinforcements.” No one I spoke to in Turin is quite sure what exactly the new government, headed by a right-wing coalition, will mean for the cultural field, to say nothing of wider society.
    View of Intesa Sanpaolo Publifoto Archive at the Gallerie dItalia Torino, the fourth museum from Intesa Sanpaolo Bank. Photo: Marco Bertorello/AFP via Getty Images.
    As such a junction, patrons like Sandretto re Rebaudengo are perhaps increasingly vital to the city’s art scene, as emblems of stability in times of flux. A museum curator from Turin emphasized this to me, saying that private money has helped them pull through the past few years and continue to organize ambitious shows. Artissima and Turin are especially well-equipped, not only because of the apparent high-net worth of the area, but because there is an ingrained spirit of working together, between the state, the art market, the institutions, and private companies.
    Take for example, the banking group Intesa Sanpaolo’s new Gallerie d’Italia, its fourth museum, which opened this year and is focused on image-based media. The private collection also has a public mandate: during Artissima, film works by a few galleries participating in the fair were on view at the Gallerie d’Italia.
    “I really believe it is important to find ways to collaborate between all of us in Turin,” noted Sandretto re Rebaudengo as she poured over her map of Artissima and outlined her week of exhibition plans and prize-giving. “It’s the best way forward in this moment.”

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    Cheng Cheng Yi “Dragon Summoner” Limited Edition Print – Available November 10th

    Chinese contemporary artist Cheng Cheng Yi have collaborated with ArtPort for his latest limited edition screenprint entitled “Dragon Summoner”. Dragon Summoner comes in an edition of 25 and measures 70 x 56 cm. The print features Yi’s signature characters that often tell stories about adolescence and the dreams of the young generation.Born in 1985, Cheng Cheng Yi is a contemporary artist from Beijing. Since his graduation from the prestigious Anhui Normal University in 2011, Yi has been constantly honing his technical skills and style, from gentle brush strokes and soft colours to his current unique and elaborate aesthetic, a mix between shape and bold, captivating tones.Skillfully and meticulously executing his works with utmost care and attention to every detail, Yi plays with codes, geometric shapes and silhouettes that remind us of Damien Hirst and Yayoi Kusama, placing the figure of a boy – his own self-portrait – in an urban environment. With the use of a primary palette and monochromatic backgrounds, the artist conveys his vision of the individual living in contemporary society.Dragon Summoner will be available on 10 November 2022, Thursday. 7PM HK Time (7AM NYC, 4AM LA, 9PM Melbourne, 12PM UK, 8PM Tokyo) at ArtPort website.ArtPort is a publishing house established in 2020. ArtPort supplies limited high-quality editions and prints by artists from the new contemporary art wave. Created around the theme of travelling, ArtPort aims to have people on board, offering them a journey through the art world and an easy way to bring it to their homes. Each edition is a unique and exclusive collaboration between ArtPort and leading contemporary artists. More

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    In Pictures: Step Into Monet’s Giverny Garden—and Even Smell the Lilacs—in New York’s Newest Immersive Show

    Immersive exhibitions are back in a big way—heartening evidence that New York City and the world beyond are recovering from the stringent social restrictions of the past two years.
    The latest sign that the art-going public is ready to get up close and personal with each other is Friday’s opening of “Monet’s Garden” at the Seamen’s Bank Building on Wall Street, kicking off the show’s American tour after stints in Berlin, Zurich and Mülheim. This is not the first time French impressionist Claude Monet joins the ranks of art superstars like Gustav Klimt and Frida Kahlo, whose works have also been interpreted in the digital, room-filling format.
    “It was Monet’s own wish that the viewers of his art would submerge themselves and dive into his art,” Nepomuk Schessl of Alegria Konzert GmbH, the show’s producer, told Artnet News. “This is why he painted his famous water lilies in such a large format—so that the viewer would feel like she or he is being surrounded by water. In a way, the immersive concept was already predetermined in Monet’s art and seems like an unavoidable logical next step.”
    Schessl pointed out their show “takes it one step further” beyond the existing zeitgeist. Visitors “will be able to engage with his art, thereby understanding—not just by reading but by interaction—why Monet was a revolutionary of his time,” Schessl wrote.
    “Monet’s Garden” presents the artist’s story across three segments. First, “The Studio” plunges visitors into Monet’s methods and perspectives, as well as his thinking, his blindness and the destruction of his own work. “The Garden” reimagines Monet’s infamous property in Giverny—his greatest inspiration—featuring physical and sensory elements like smells and a real bridge to walk over.
    “The Showroom” caps the experience off with an exclusive focus on Monet’s artworks, particularly his series of monumental paintings of water lilies. There aren’t any real paintings in the show, so leave your mashed potatoes at home. Instead, high-resolution images with admittedly intense textural detail are projected onto the walls, creating that hallmark “immersive” experience.
    Take a look for yourself below. Tickets start at $35.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.
    Installation view of “Monet’s Garden.” Photo: Matthew Murphy.

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    ‘Air Is Turned Violent’: Lawrence Abu Hamdan on Documenting More than 20,000 Israeli Combat Vehicles in Lebanese Airspace

    Many Lebanese will tell you how they hear a buzz in the air. Sometimes it’s faint and sometimes it is more prominent, but it’s always there. The monotone has become a constant within the backdrop sounds of everyday life, along with the regular hum of the generators now providing electricity (to those who can afford it) in a country locked in an extreme economic and political crisis. 
    The source of the continuous drum is the thousands of Israeli fighter jets, missiles, drones, and planes that have been making incursions into Lebanese airspace over the past 15 years. 
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan has long decoded the world through sound. The Jordanian, Dubai-based artist’s work, as he once described it, is concerned with the “politics of listening.” A self-proclaimed “private ear,” since his youth, he uses surveillance technologies, sound recordings and archival materials to investigate the role of sound as a tool used to silence, suppress, and heal. 
    In his latest body of work, the Turner Prize-winning artist explores the impact of the continuous sound of the Israeli fighter planes on the Lebanese population. The result is Air Pressure (A Diary of the Sky), an ambitious 3D sound and video installation on view at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, Italy, until February 5, 2023.
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Air Pressure (A diary of the sky) (2022). Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
    The conflict between Israel and Lebanon is decades old, but became particularly pronounced when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 during a period of civil war, and then again during the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Shia Islamic political party and militant group. These noisy illegal flyovers, averaging around four and a half hours in duration, are intended to leave the Lebanese in a perpetual state of psychological distress and uncertainty.
    Speaking to Artnet News, Abu Hamdan said the reactions to the sound generated from the massive explosion at Beirut Port on August 4, 2020, partly inspired him to make the work.  
    “When the explosion happened, there was a big debate over whether there were planes in the air before the explosion, with people continually stating that they heard planes,” he said. “The question kept being raised as to whether the explosion happened due to a missile strike from an aircraft.”
    At the time, Abu Hamdan had been doing work analyzing the sound of Russian airstrikes in Syria. He knew that the sounds heard during the Beirut explosion weren’t continuous with the sequence of sounds heard when an airstrike happens. “It was just too quick,” he said. “You wouldn’t have heard the plane so closely for an explosion like that and have no one see a plane.” 
    But if it wasn’t a plane, what was it? Just before the Beirut Port blast there was a sound in the air akin to that of a plane. According to research conducted by the likes of Dutch investigative journalism group Bellingcat, just before a pressure wave of that magnitude, there is a vast suction of oxygen that makes a sound like that of a jet. Abu Hamdan presented this belief on Instagram to discuss the idea with those who were convinced they had heard a plane. 
    “I realized that whether there was a plane or not, the idea of this constant presence in the atmosphere emerges in moments of peak anxiety in Lebanon,” Abu Hamdan said. For Lebanese the planes have become so routine that they “have lost their discursive value—they are no longer spoken about,” Abu Hamdan tells Artnet News. “They are just there. It is a terror that is a given.”
    But all that changes when things get really bad, and all of a sudden, the planes “leave their status as objects humming and rumbling in the background, and come to the forefront to trigger questions as to what is happening in the country.”
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Air Pressure (A diary of the sky) (2022). Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
    Abu Hamdan worked on Air Pressure (A Diary of the Sky) over the last two years during lockdown in Lebanon, after receiving the third edition of the Fondazione and Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Future Fields Commission in Time-Based Media. Building the multimedia installation began by capturing and analyzing hundreds of recordings of Israeli military jets, missiles, drones and planes across Lebanon’s skies. He also conducted recordings on the ground and crowd sourced real-time footage on social media with the Arabic hashtag # حربي_بالاجواء which means “war in the air.”
    The project also includes information gathered from 243 letters recording all the radar information including: the time, duration, type and trajectory of each aircraft violation, submitted by permanent Representatives of Lebanon to the United Nations between 2006 and 2021. Transcribing and analyzing this data was a challenging process, Abu Hamdan said, as the filing of these letters in the UN’s digital archive was unsystematic.
    He archived his research on the website, which now documents how over the last 15 years, 22,111 Israeli military aircraft have violated Lebanese airspace. The site makes public the violations in detail for the first time. Crucially, Abu Hamdan’s project marks the first time anyone has documented the ongoing incursion of Israeli fighter jets, which neither journalists, nor the Lebanese government, nor the United Nations has undertaken to do. 
    “I wanted to put all the information in one database so we could finally see the scale of this issue—how long these aircrafts are spending in the atmosphere and how many planes there were,” he said. The numbers are shocking—adding up the flight time of the more than 22,000 Israeli aircrafts in the atmosphere over the past 15 years is eight-and-a-half years itself. “That means that over half of the last 15 years there has been an Israeli combat vehicle in the Lebanese sky.”
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Air Pressure (A diary of the sky) (2022). Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
    The 3D installation, which through sound and film hauntingly captures the buzzing sound and views of Lebanon’s airspace, encourages reflection on the contemporary conditions of aerial warfare. It is testament to Abu Hamdan’s continual investigations into the still largely undocumented and discussed political implications of listening during times of war. 
    “Activating the atmosphere through sound has always been a part of an arsenal of weaponry,” said Abu Hamdan, adding that he hopes the information can be used to contextualize any possible future aerial strikes, or in the context of other discussions such as the maritime border dispute happening now between Lebanon and Israel.
    The work, like that of other similarly powerful sound works of Abu Hamdan prompts us to rethink the role noise and listening plays in our daily lives and in accordance with specific world events. As he puts it, it prompts us to ask: “What can this teach us about the history of aerial warfare which has always been about disproportionately creating noise in the sky rather than hitting targets on the ground?”
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Air Pressure (A diary of the sky) (2022). Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
    Research gathered from Abu Hamdan’s work, which is due to be shown at the UN Security Council, has already become a resource for political debate not only in the public sphere but among government agencies and bodies at the United Nations.
    Above all, the work is also about how something supposedly neutral like air, and nature itself, can be made violent through man’s interference. “The work is about how air is turned violent more than the question of whether or not the planes had a right to enter a country and whose air belongs to who,” Abu Hamdan said. “The work raises the question of atmospheric violence and how to understand this as a category of warfare that is not about targeting one person but actually creating broadcasting and fostering collective punitive action and collective fear.”
    “Air Pressure (A Diary of the Sky) (2022)” is on view through February 5 at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin.
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