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    “What is Home?” by Asbestos in Cork, Ireland

    This new mural by Asbestos in Cork, Ireland is part of the Ardu Street Art festival featuring Friz, Asbestos, Conor Harrington, and Shane O’Malley.The giant gable end mural by Asbestos challenges the passerby to think about ‘What is Home?’  Do you have one, is it safe, can you afford it? Never as a country has our sense of what home means been more at threat.“I painted this figure wearing a cardboard box on his head to start a conversation with the public about what home means to them. As a country we are currently in an existential crisis over housing and our need to put a roof over our heads. There’s a fear and uncertainly about finding a safe space, and the system seems to be stacked in favour of the landlords” said Asbestos.The figure wearing the box is the artist himself, but a fictional version of him who is looking at the world with a naive view point. So each of his masks, or personas is a character that’s asking a different question. In this case “What is Home?”Home isn’t simply about where you were born, it’s where you feel you belong, where you feel safe, where you’re welcomed, where you can come back to and feel accepted, loved and part of a community. We seem to have lost sight of this recently because we’re so concerned about rent, mortgages or even having a home.Painted over 8 days in the sunshine and rain, it was wonderful to speak to so many curious Corkonians about the mural. The support has been amazing from the public and my friends and family here, Cork definitely felt like my home for a week.Asbestos is an Irish artist who’s been creating work on the street in a variety of media since 2003.  His portraits explore the concept of identity that are a conversation with two versions of his persona. “Each mask portrays two versions of myself, one alive and one dead. The dead version is a fictional character that represents me, if I’d been killed in a car bomb”. The bomb he refers to was a real one that went off in Dublin 46 days before he was born, 5 minutes after his mother walked past it. “I’ve always been fascinated about the fact that I may never have existed.” So each portrait is created by two versions of his persona combining photorealism and abstract naive strokes.Scroll down below to view more photos of the mural. More

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    Ardú Street Art in Cork, Ireland

    Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month with some of the country’s most exciting street artists to brighten up the city’s streets. Commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level is the main aim of Ardú, a street art project launched late last year, supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint generously sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals, three of which are now complete, with the final wall to be finished over the coming days. First to be revealed is a depiction of the Goddess Clíodhna, by Northern Ireland based artist Friz, at St. Finbarr’s Road, Cork.Sligo born artist Friz pictured at her mural at St. Finbarr’s Road, Cork, as part of Ardú Street Project 2021.Friz’s mural is a depiction of the Goddess Clíodhna, her style was inspired by the Honan Chapel’s mosaics and Harry Clarke stained glass. Ardú continues until October 15th, with three more large scale murals by Shane O’Malley, Conor Harrington, and Asbestos. Twitter/Instagram @ArduStreetArt / Photograph by Jed NiezgodaSpeaking about her mural, Friz introduces Clíodhna, “a celtic deity who, in some stories, is the patron of Cork. She was the daughter of the sea god Manannan Mac Lir and thus is associated with the sea also. Some tales say she has three songbirds who accompany her, and when they sing it lulls people to sleep. When they wake, they are healed of any ailments they had.The Ardú team pictured at Cork’s newest mural at St. Finbarr’s Road by Sligo born artist Friz, created as part of Ardú Street Project 2021. L-R: Shane O’Driscoll, Rose-Anne Kidney, Paul Gleeson, Louise Barker, Friz, & Peter Martin.Ardú continues until October 15th, with three more large scale murals by Shane O’Malley, Conor Harrington, and Asbestos. Twitter/Instagram @ArduStreetArt / Photograph by Jed Niezgoda – www.jedniezgoda.comSome versions say the birds eat from a magical apple tree, others that Clíodhna tended to these trees. It put me in mind of Idunn’s apples from Norse mythology. It’s amazing how many of our collective stories have counterparts in other cultures. Nine apples, as that number is sometimes associated with her.She fell in love with a mortal and upon falling asleep near the shore one day her father sent a wave to carry her home. In some versions she is drowned. There is a subtle tear in her eye. She is said to be the Queen of the banshees, and I wanted to represent a small nod to that without going down a stereotypical Halloween version of a banshee.When researching, local artist and Ardú organiser Peter Martin brought the Honan chapel at UCC to my attention. It is home to some stunning Harry Clarke stained glass windows as well as a divine mosaic floor. I used Clarke’s Saint Gobnait window as inspiration for my design.”Pictured:A new mural by Dublin artist Asbestos, created for Ardú 2021, South Main Street, Cork. The giant gable end mural challenges the passerby to think about ‘What is Home?’ Do you have one, is it safe, can you afford it? Never as a country has our sense of what home means been more at threat. Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month, commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level. Supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals: Friz at St Finbarr’s Road, Shane O’Malley at Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, Conor Harrington at Bishop Lucey Park (WIP), and Asbestos at South Main Street. For more see Twitter/Instagram: @ArduStreetArtPhoto credit: Artist AsbestosIf you take a walk down from Friz’s wall, towards the city centre, you’ll find “What is home?” by Dublin artist Asbestos. The giant gable end mural challenges the passerby to think about ‘What is Home?’  Do you have one, is it safe, can you afford it? Never as a country has our sense of what home means been more at threat… “I painted this figure wearing a cardboard box on his head to start a conversation with the public about what home means to them. As a country we are currently in an existential crisis over housing and our need to put a roof over our heads. There’s a fear and uncertainty about finding a safe space, and the system seems to be stacked in favour of the landlords.Pictured:A new mural by Dublin artist Asbestos, created for Ardú 2021, South Main Street, Cork. The giant gable end mural challenges the passerby to think about ‘What is Home?’ Do you have one, is it safe, can you afford it? Never as a country has our sense of what home means been more at threat. Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month, commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level. Supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals: Friz at St Finbarr’s Road, Shane O’Malley at Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, Conor Harrington at Bishop Lucey Park (WIP), and Asbestos at South Main Street. For more see Twitter/Instagram: @ArduStreetArtPhoto credit: Artist AsbestosThe figure wearing the box is me, but a fictional version of myself who’s looking at the world with a naive viewpoint. So each of my masks, or personas is a character that’s asking a different question. In this case ‘What is Home?’ Home isn’t simply about where you were born, it’s where you feel you belong, where you feel safe, where you’re welcomed, where you can come back to and feel accepted, loved and part of a community. We seem to have lost sight of this recently because we’re so concerned about rent, mortgages or even having a home. Painted over 8 days in the sunshine and rain, it was wonderful to speak to so many curious Corkonians about the mural. The support has been amazing from the public and my friends and family here, Cork definitely felt like my home for a week.”Ardú Street Art Initiative 2021 – Shane O’Maley at his mural / Photograph by Jed Niezgoda – www.jedniezgoda.comAcross Leeside, on the Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, find the third mural by Navan-born artist Shane O’Malley. Describing his mural, Shane says:Pictured: Cyclist and passenger at Shane O’Malley new mural on the Lower Glanmire Rd, Cork, for Ardú 2021.Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month, commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level. Supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals: Friz at St Finbarr’s Road, Shane O’Malley at Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, Conor Harrington at Bishop Lucey Park (WIP), and Asbestos at South Main Street. For more see Twitter/Instagram: @ArduStreetArtPhotographer John Beasley“The mural for Ardú street art festival explores Movement. I was drawn to the way the mural is experienced. The majority of people passing the mural would only see it for about 5 seconds. It is located at a busy junction entering Cork city, where traffic flows past the wall. People also walk past the wall and cross the road using 2 pedestrian crossings while a train line passes near the wall. Ardú Street Art Initiative 2021 – Shane O’Maley at his mural / Photograph by Jed Niezgoda – www.jedniezgoda.comThe mural is made of bright coloured angular shapes and interconnected circles that follow the over-under pattern found in Celtic Knotwork. This creates dynamic flow lines throughout the wall, so the mural feels like its got movement and is in motion. I added an anamorphic circle at the corner of the wall that is experienced when passing the mural on foot or in traffic. I wanted to create a piece which is impactful and bright, that would transform the area and visually improve people’s commute to the city.”Pictured: Renowned Cork born artist Conor Harrington working on a new mural at Bishop Lucey Park, Cork, as part of Ardú 2021.Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month, commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level. Supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals: Friz at St Finbarr’s Road, Shane O’Malley at Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, Conor Harrington at Bishop Lucey Park (WIP), and Asbestos at South Main Street. For more see Twitter/Instagram: @ArduStreetArtPhoto credit John BeasleyThe fourth and final wall for Ardú 2021 is work in progress, currently being painted by Cork-born artist Conor Harrington, at Bishop Lucey Park (Grand Parade entrance). Conor will be working throughout this week, members of the public are encouraged to come and watch as his piece comes to life. Based in London since the mid 2000s, Harrington has created street art in New York, Miami, Paris, London, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Aalborg, Mallorca, Sao Paulo, San Juan, and the Bethlehem Wall; this is Conor’s first large-scale mural in his hometown. Pictured: Renowned Cork born artist Conor Harrington working on a new mural at Bishop Lucey Park, Cork, as part of Ardú 2021.Ardú Street Art project returned to Cork city this month, commissioning artwork from home grown talent of the highest level. Supported by Cork City Council and Creative Ireland, with paint sponsored by Pat McDonnell Paints.This year’s edition features four large-scale murals: Friz at St Finbarr’s Road, Shane O’Malley at Lower Glanmire Road/Horgan’s Quay, Conor Harrington at Bishop Lucey Park (WIP), and Asbestos at South Main Street. For more see Twitter/Instagram: @ArduStreetArtPhoto credit John Beasley More

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    ‘You Have to Experience It in the Radical Present’: How Anicka Yi’s Ultra-Sensorial Tate Commission Resists the Age of Instagram Art

    In the aftermath of Kara Walker’s monumental fountain, Carsten Holler’s playground of slides, and Olafur Eliasson’s unforgettable indoor weather project, I had certain expectations for Tate Modern’s latest Turbine Hall commission, which opened yesterday. But the U.S. artist Anicka Yi, who has been tapped for the annual project, has a more subtle flavor than her noisier predecessors.
    A squeal of delight in the audience directed my attention upwards to the bridge across the cavernous room where a fleet of jellyfish-like balloons floated close to the ceiling. For her installation, Yi has invented these hybrid biological and technological creatures called aerobes, which are classified either as “xeno-jellies” whose forms have been inspired by ocean lifeforms or “planulae,” from different types of mushrooms.
    Filled with helium and propelled around the room by rotors, they look like they come from an alien planet but are more benign than H.G. Wells’s tripod creatures. As I drew closer, I realized that they were emitting a faintly pleasant aroma; one floated above me and performed a gentle twirl.
    Installation view of Hyundai Commission Anicka Yi at Tate Modern, October 2021. Photo by Will Burrard Lucas.
    The installation is rooted in the artist’s ongoing interest in shifting the relationship between technology, humans, and the biological world. It proposes a different kind of ecosystem: Her floating creatures imagine new ways that machines could inhabit the world alongside humans, rather than the traditional understanding that they function to serve humans, or work against us in some dystopian capacity.
    “I wanted to open up that dialectic and expand the conversation;” Yi said in a press conference at the unveiling of the work. “Machines don’t necessarily have to serve us or scare us in order to coexist with us.”
    Taking this idea as her starting point, Yi explained how she started to think about the concept of “wilding” machines; eliminating their functionality, and asking what it would look like to live with them then. Inspired by how organisms learn through their bodies and senses, as well as technological advances within the field of soft robotics, Yi endowed the aerobes with a sort of sensory intelligence. They respond to information, including the scents of the building, sources of heat, and an awareness of their place in space relative to each other. 
    Once raised in the air, they are completely autonomous, driven by this artificial life program—a software that can be likened to the mind—that simulates and seeks to understand complex biological behaviors. Their unpredictable movements imbue them with a sense of life; the squeal of delight I had heard was a child reacting to them as animals and not machines.
    Anicka Yi, “In Love With the World,” Hyundai Commission, Tate Modern. Photo by Joe Humphrys, courtesy Tate.
    The sensorial element to the installation also resists the ability to be captured on Instagram. It has an evolving scentscape that you have to physically take into your body to experience, part of a genre that Yi called “metabolic” art. 
    “You have to experience it in the radical present, in your body and mind as one,” she said. The changing odors emitted around the aerobes have been inspired by different eras of the surrounding Bankside area, from marine scents related to pre-human era to the spices thought to ward off the black death in the 14th century to smells from London’s industrial age.
    The scents are subtle and offer up no clear illustrative associations. When I was there, there was was a faintly spicy, not unpleasant, smell of patchouli. When asked what was intended to evoke, Yi informed us wryly that the inspiration was cholera. It’s intentionally a surprise as Yi aims to expand our relationship to smell. We expect to instantly recognize something and categorize it as good or bad, but these confusing scents are not straightforward; they ask you to heighten your awareness, and breathe deeply.
    “Yi has worked with smell and scent for a long time, and partly in terms of questioning the primacy of the visual, and the visual as principally male, rational, industrial, technocratic, and Western,”  the exhibition’s co-curator Achim Borchardt-Hume told Artnet News. “Whereas our experience of the world encompasses all the senses.”
    Installation view of Hyundai Commission “Anicka Yi: In Love With the World” at Tate Modern, October 2021. Photo by Will Burrard Lucas.
    The artist is also interested in the politics of air, in how scent can alter your perception of space, and make you aware of the air around you in ways that you weren’t before. Indeed, as I experience the same awareness of the odors and gasses in a room, and the potential risks they carry, I was instantly more aware that I was sharing the air with others.
    “Engaging with the air, especially in the age of Covid, it’s an especially rich material to unpack,” Yi said. She wanted to foreground the olfactive questions with the pandemic and to really underscore the air that we’re sharing. Indeed, questions of how how we inhabit the world, climate emergency, and coexistence between humans and other species, have taken on a whole new importance over the past two years. Many people who got sick actually lost their sense of smell; I was one of them, and I don’t think I ever fully appreciated how crucial it was to my experience of the world—from determining if something was burning to recalling past experiences—until I lost it.
    “Air is this charged site for social discourse, and with the pandemic and climate crisis it is this substrate that ties us all in this very symbiotic coexistence that we cannot escape,” she said. “We are all these vessels of interdependence and we have a responsibility toward each other.”
    And that’s what the Turbine Hall commission has always done: brought people together. The show places Yi in dialogue with the works before her, such as Superflex’s three-man swings that required people to work together to enjoy them. So, too, does her work underscore how we—as either biological or technological entities—are all in this together.
    “Anicka Yi: In Love With the World” is on view at Tate Modern through January 16.
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    9 Gallery Shows to See in London During Frieze Week, From a Ron Mueck Retrospective to a Motley Crew of Ominous Skeletons

    It’s Frieze week in London, and ahead of the fairs opening to VIPs tomorrow, here’s our pick of what’s on view beyond The Regent’s Park across a selection of galleries in London.

    Elizabeth NeelPilar CorriasThrough October 23
    Installation view, Elizabeth Neel, “Limb after Limb,” at Pilar Corrias. Photo: Mark Blower. Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias, London.
    In “Limb after Limb,” Elizabeth Neel presents a new body of work made in isolation on her family’s farm in rural Vermont. The large-scale paintings on canvas echo the natural environment and the physical and psychological tolls of isolation through a process of abstraction. Also on view is a short documentary about the artist by her brother, Andrew Neel, which explores her practice and fraught experience living as an artist within the legacy of her grandmother, Alice Neel.
    “Limb after Limb” is on view at 2 Savile Row, London, W1S 3PA.
    Simeon BarclayWorkplaceThrough October 29
    Installation view, Simeon Barclay, “England’s Lost Camelot,” at Workplace.Courtesy of the artist and Workplace, London.
    The U.K. artist Simeon Barclay has created new multimedia works and an installation for “England’s Lost Camelot,” on view at Workplace’s West End gallery. Taking its cue from Arthurian legends and the persistence of the figure of the gallant knight in British folklore and iconography, he follows this medieval legend through popular culture as well as his own personal biography, unpacking how these tropes play a role in determining notions of class, race, and gender.
    “Simeon Barclay: England’s Lost Camelot” is on view at 40 Margaret Street, London, W1G 0JH.
    Ösgür KarEmalinThrough November 10
    Özgür Kar, Death with flute (2021). Photo: Stephen James. © Özgür Kar, courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London.
    In “Storage Drama,” his first solo outing with Emalin, Turkish artist Özgür Kar presents three of his eerie “Death” sculptures, minimally animated drawings of musically inclined skeletons that ruminate on the nature of existence with humor and heft. There’s a timelessness to the anxiety expressed, evoking at once medieval manuscripts and plague traditions, but also the banal phrases of online exchanges and our contemporary moment of global disease. Scored by improvised woodwind riffs on an ominous tritone known as the “Devil’s Interval,” viewers might find themselves in a bit of a trance. As one of Kar’s characters puts it: “You either get the vibe or you don’t.”
    “Storage Drama” is on view at 1 Holywell Lane, London, EC2A 3ET.
    Ron MueckThaddaeus RopacThrough November 13
    Ron Mueck, Dead Dad (1996–97). © Ron Mueck, courtesy of Thaddaeus Ropac, London, Paris, Salzburg, and Seoul.
    Spanning 25 years of Ron Mueck’s career, this historical exhibition at Thaddaeus Ropac features some of the Australian sculptor’s most celebrated pieces plus never-before-exhibited works. Mueck’s famous sculpture Dead Dad (1996–97) is on view in the U.K. for the first time since it shocked in the Royal Academy’s storied 1997 “Sensation” exhibition, as is a new, as-yet-unseen cast-iron outdoor sculpture of a skull, Dead Weight (2021), which clocks in at a whopping one tonne. A moving figure of a young Black man with a stab wound, Youth (2009/2011), speaks to the urgency of addressing urban crime. From the small-scale to the monumental, the works on view evoke the gamut of human emotions and experiences.
    “Ron Mueck: 25 Years of Sculpture 1996–2021” is on view at 37 Dover Street, London, W1S 4NJ.
    “Sorry It’s a Mess, We Just Moved In!”LAMB ArtsThrough November 13
    Clara Hastrup, Untitled (Leek) (2021). Courtesy of LAMB Arts, London.
    This lively group exhibition explores everyday objects and the role they play in shaping and holding onto identity, asking whether, in a digital age, the physical carries more significance, or less. Curated by Roya Sachs, it places blue-chip names such as Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Erwin Wurm, and Isa Genzken in dialogue with works by emerging artists, such as Clara Hastrup’s photographs of “Perishable Sculptures,” to ask how we relate to objects, from throwaway items to functional commodities to treasured tokens of memory.
    “Sorry It’s a Mess, We Just Moved In!” is on view at 32 St. George Street, London, W1S 2EA.
    Noah DavisDavid ZwirnerThrough November 17
    Noah Davis, 40 Acres and a Unicorn (2007). © The Estate of Noah Davis, courtesy of the Estate of Noah Davis and David Zwirner.
    Curator Helen Molesworth has selected works by the late U.S. artist Noah Davis that span his brief but bright career for the first presentation of the artist’s dreamlike, figurative paintings in the U.K. The show is a follow-up to an acclaimed exhibition at David Zwirner in New York in January 2020, and while there are some repeats, most of the works on view will be different. Significantly, the London edition imports a version of the artist’s ambitious social-practice project, the Underground Museum, installed in the gallery’s upper level. Headquartered in an underserved Black and Latinx neighborhood in Los Angeles, the initiative is a Black-owned and -run art space that shows museum-quality work. Highlighting the importance to Davis of community, the show includes a sculpture by the artist’s widow, Karon Davis, and the film BLKNWS, by his brother, Kahlil Joseph, famed in his own right.
    “Noah Davis” is on view at 24 Grafton Street, London, W1S 4EZ.
    Issy Wood Carlos/IshikawaThrough November 20
    Issy Wood, The sides (2021). © Issy Wood. Courtesy of the artist; Carlos/Ishikawa, London; and JTT, New York.
    The young painting sensation Issy Wood’s exhibition “Trilemma” at Carlos/Ishikawa will scratch your brain—and not just because all the paintings are on velvet. The artist created this series of ‘depression’ paintings during lockdown in response to her contracted surroundings, and in works based on snippets of screenshots from the films and TV shows she was watching, there is an eerie sense of nostalgia for a world that once was. The show also includes a foray into installation with a suite of painted, velvet-upholstered Carlo Scarpa furniture entitled What if you showed up (2021) installed in the middle of the gallery.
    “Issy Wood: Trilemma” is on view at Unit 4, 88 Mile End Road, London, E1 4UN.

    “Social Works II”GagosianThrough December 18
    Installation view, “Social Works II,” at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. Courtesy Gagosian.
    This group exhibition on view at the gallery’s Grosvenor Hill location is the sequel to recently-appointed director and curator Antwaun Sargent’s inaugural show at Gagosian in New York. It places front and center artists of the African diaspora whose projects extend beyond the walls of the gallery and into social practice. From architect Sumayya Vally’s wall fragment that functions as a site for research and ritual to historical collages by Black Arts Movement pioneer (and Turner Prize–winner) Lubaina Himid, the exhibition probes the ways that geography informs identity and perception in different communities and spaces.
    “Social Works II” is on view at 20 Grosvenor Hill, London, W1K 3QD.

    A.A. MurakamiSuperblueThrough Summer 2022
    New Spring (2017). Photo: Juriaan Booij. Courtesy of COS x Studio Swine.
    The Tokyo- and London-based duo A.A. Murakami—made up of Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves from Studio Swine—has been tapped to debut Superblue in London, following the global launch of the experiential art powerhouse in Miami in May.
    For “Silent Fall”—on view at Pace’s former Burlington Gardens space—the pair is presenting a new, Instagram-friendly multi-sensory experience that immerses audiences in a seemingly infinite forest of glowing trees. Their branches emit misty bubbles, which unleash different scents of nature, from pine to moss, when they burst. It’s part of the artists’ “ephemeral tech” installations, which use sophisticated technology to recreate organic experiences, and offers a glimpse of a future world in which we are trying to recreate a sense of the sublime in a nature that is lost.
    “Silent Fall” is on view at 6 Burlington Gardens, London, W1J 0PE.
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    “Giant Doll” and “Nature Morte” by Ludo in Paris, France

    Street artist Ludo just finished two murals in Paris, France. “Giant Doll” features the animatronic doll from Netflix hit series Squid Game with armed angels on both the doll’s sides. While “Nature Morte” features Ludo’s iconic imagery of and arrow + tulip hybrid shot through a skull.Most of Ludo’s work primarily focuses on the combination of nature and human technology. More specifically, he prefers to emphasize on the way society takes nature for granted. Often, we disrespect and over-exploit it- leading human control into a vast destruction. His work focuses on our surroundings and effects all while providing a form of humility. This is the basis of his work and is sure to leave one amaze at first sight.Ludo’s primarily forms of mediums used in street art are composed of silkscreen, acrylic, pencils, scalpel, tape, and printers. This is all used for wheat pasting or paste-ups. He also currently works on street installations and sculptures by re-using objects found within the streets. He is constantly active with works across Europe, using trademark monochromatic paste-ups with dripping green highlights.Check out below for more photos of the murals. More

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    In London for Frieze? Don’t Miss These 7 Museum Shows, From Theaster Gates at Whitechapel to Anicka Yi’s Turbine Hall Commission

    The art fairs Frieze London and Frieze Masters have returned to Regent’s Park this week after a year’s hiatus. In that time, Londoners had ample space to reflect on what matters most to the city’s rich cultural landscape.
    While many surely missed the social energy and market momentum of the art fairs during lockdown, it was also a time to rediscover London’s stellar art institutions and how they contribute to fabric of our lives in ways that are very different from the two pop-up tents in one of London’s royal parks.
    To that end, here’s a round up of what not to miss in museums this week.

    Abbas AkhavanChisenhale GalleryThrough October 17
    Abbas Akhavan, curtain call, variations on a folly(2021). Installation view, Chisenhale Gallery, London, 2021. Commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery, London. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Andy Keate.
    In “curtain call, variations on a folly,” Montréal-based artist Abbas Akhavan continues to explore the potential of chroma key green screen technology, which he has paired with his fascination with an ancient building material made of subsoil, water, and straw called cob. For the Chisenhale commission, he filled the gallery with a green screen infinity wall, on top of which he placed cob sculptures replicating the forms of a colonnade that once led to the Arch of Palmyra in Syria, much of which was tragically destroyed by ISIS in 2015.
    By mixing the infinite possibilities afforded by the green screen, and the dark history of the heritage site’s destruction, the installation is somewhat of a portal through time and space, and leaves the viewer feeling transported with it.
    “Abbas Akhavan: curtain call, variations on a folly” is on view at 64 Chisenhale Road London E3 5QZ

    Alvaro Barrington South London GalleryThrough November 21
    Installation view, “Alvaro Barrington: Spider The Pig; Pig The Spider” at South London Gallery. Photo by Naomi Rea.
    Unbelievably, this is Alvaro Barrington’s first solo show in a U.K. institution. The market star—whose is represented by a full eight galleries internationally—is a prolific producer, and his bespoke installation at the South London Gallery responds to the architecture of the space in a way I’ve not seen before. Titled “Spider The Pig, Pig The Spider,” the show presents several new bodies of work that, in line with Barrington’s practice, play with historical and contemporary cultural references—including a new series of Hermès blankets smeared with concrete and hung up like cloud paintings, and mixed media paintings that smoosh the children’s TV character Peppa Pig with the pigs from Orwell’s animal farm.
    “Alvaro Barrington: Spider The Pig, Pig The Spider” is on view at 65–67 Peckham Road London SE5 8UH.

    Mixing It UpHayward GalleryThrough December 12
    Lisa Brice, Smoke and Mirrors (2020) in “Mixing It Up: Painting Today” at Hayward Gallery, 2021. ©Lisa Brice 2021. Courtesy of Hayward Gallery. Photo by Rob Harris.
    If you want an overview of the landscape of contemporary painting today, “Mixing It Up” is a necessary port of call. The show brings together the work of 31 contemporary painters, from emerging Iraqi artist Mohammed Sami, whose poetic paintings dredge up traumatic memories of military conflict and refugee life to striking recent works by Lisa Brice, which conjure up dreamlike worlds of women painters at work, who shrug off the the male gaze of art history that has so often cast them as muses and models.
    “Mixing It Up: Painting Today” is on view at Hayward Galley, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX.

    Phoebe Collings-JamesCamden Art CenterThrough December 23
    Installation views of Phoebe Collings-James, “A Scratch! A Scratch!,” at Camden Art Centre, September10–December 23, 2021. Photo: Rob Harris.
    London-based artist Phoebe Collings-James is having her first institutional solo show in the U.K. Titled “A Scratch! A Scratch!”—after Mercutio’s reaction to being slain by Tybalt in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet—the wide-ranging exhibition presents a sensory environment of sound and sculpture that—invoking the traditions of mythology, folklore, and Black queer sound—explores themes of grief, heartbreak, and desire.
    New bodies of work on view include a group of torso casings resembling Roman armor plates, multi-panel clay paintings inscribed with images, words, and phrases, and an audio patchwork of sounds captured from daily journeys through the streets of London echoing out of water-filled vessels. It also includes new recordings of poetry generated in tarot circles, led by artist and poet Daniella Valz Gen over the past year.
    “Phoebe Collings-James: A Scratch! A Scratch!” is on view at Camden Art Centre Arkwright Road London NW3 6DG

    Summer ExhibitionRoyal AcademyThrough January 2
    Gallery view the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition 2021. Photo: ©David Parry/ Royal Academy of Arts.
    Anyone can enter their work for consideration for the Royal Academy’s annual summer exhibition, meaning it offers a true bird’s eye view of the landscape of contemporary art and architecture. Delayed until fall this year due to the pandemic, it includes work by leading artists including Njideka Akunyili Crosby and Rose Wylie, as well as slews of emerging talent. Hung across the RA’s main galleries, it is always a delight and full of discovery, and if you are in a buying mood, most of the work is also for sale.
    “The Summer Exhibition” is on view at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BD

    Theaster GatesWhitechapel GalleryThrough January 9
    Installation view: “Theaster Gates: A Clay Sermon,” Whitechapel Gallery, September 29, 2021–January 9, 2022. Image courtesy Whitechapel Gallery. Photo by Theo Christelis.
    Both his practice as a potter working with clay and his deep religious belief are central to the work of Theaster Gates, who says both teach you how to “shape the world.” Fittingly then, the Chicago-based artist’s latest outing at the Whitechapel Gallery is titled “A Clay Sermon,” and includes work spanning two decades of production, from early hand-thrown pots to his large-scale Afro-Mingei sculptures. The artist has also selected historic ceramics from public and private collections to show alongside his own, and is debuting a new, musically rich film that takes the form of a sermon on clay.
    The exhibition also seeps across London to an intervention in the ceramics galleries at the V&A, and a concurrent show at White Cube Mason’s Yard. The project will culminate next summer when the artist takes on the annual Serpentine pavilion commission.
    “Theaster Gates: A Clay Sermon” is on view at 77-82 Whitechapel High St London E1 7QX

    Anicka YiTate ModernJanuary 16
    Anicka Yi, Installation view 7,070, 430K of Digital Spit, Kunsthalle Basel, 2015.
    This one is a bit of a cheat as, of this writing, we don’t yet know what the Korean American conceptual artist has in store for her installation in Tate Modern’s cavernous Turbine Hall. The institution is notoriously quiet about the commission until it is officially unveiled, which will be later today, but we’re confident enough to add it to this list. The artist, known for working with microbial matter and other unconventional materials, has cryptically hinted that the new work will be an “aquarium of machines,” and the institution said it will build on themes the artist has focused on throughout her career, exploring the links between art and science, and working to activate different senses. We are titillated.
    “The Hyundai Commission: Anicka Yi” is on view at Turbine Hall Bankside London SE1 9TG
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    Performa 2021 Is a Chance to Reconnect With Performance After Quarantine, But Also a Tribute to the Small Joys That Got Us Through

    Not that long ago, the prospect of gathering for a piece of live performance art seemed unthinkable. Yet even then, the organizers of Performa, New York’s scrappy performing arts biennial, knew this year’s edition would go on.   
    “We didn’t think for a minute that we weren’t going to do it,” said RoseLee Goldberg, the event’s founder and chief curator.
    To meet that goal would require some improvisation—and you’ll see evidence of that this week, as Goldberg and her team opens their ninth Performa biennial with new commissions by Sara Cwynar, Tschabalala Self, and others.
    The event is smaller in scope than in previous years, and it comes a month sooner than usual. But it won’t be unrecognizable, either. Improvisation, after all, has always been fundamental to Performa’s identity. 
    “We’ve always tried to find the most creative solution,” said Goldberg. 
    Whereas past events have featured dozens of artists from all over the world, just eight artists were commissioned to make pieces this year. All hail from the New York region. (International travel restrictions limited participant options.) Each was asked to stage their creations outside, in an effort to limit any possible exposure to COVID. 

    These were practical decisions, of course, but also conceptual. New York’s streets are more than the site of this year’s artworks—they’re the inspiration, too. 
    The pandemic drastically redefined our relationship to the city’s public space, Performa’s senior curator Kathy Noble explained. “We ended up using [these sites] so much more, eating outdoors, gathering in parks.” In a time of profound isolation, she went on, “those were small joys.”
    The theme also harkens back to the tradition of “radical urbanism” from 1970s-era architectural discourse, Goldberg added, “this idea that you can change the nature of the street through action.”
    Kevin Beasley’s The Sound of Morning is perhaps the purest distillation of this. A dance piece and “sonic sculpture,” the artwork will be soundtracked by the ambient noise of the Lower East Side walkways on which it will take place.
    In other cases, the connection to New York is indirect. The great Madeline Hollander, for instance, will pay tribute to the city’s dance communities with Review, a staged compilation of gestures from performances canceled during the pandemic. 
    There are some other differences with this year’s biennial too. For the first time ever, each event will be live-streamed via Performa’s website, giving out-of-towners the chance to tune in. And for those that can make the trip, the performances will be free of charge. 
    “It has to do with offering people something they haven’t had in a year and half that feels meaningful,” said Noble. “We wanted to do something for the community here.”
    The Performa 2021 Biennial will take place from October 12-31 across various locations in New York.
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    Art Activations by Filthy Luker, Gabriel Pitcher, and more in Bristol, England

    New art activations have been unveiled in Bristol as part of Vanguard x TOward 2030, What Are You Doing? – an on-street project aligning art with sustainable conversation throughout the city. Artists Richt, Peace of Art, Filthy Luker, Mau Mau, Gabriel Pitcher and Paul Harfleet are the latest artists to install works across the city, each inspired by one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligned with community action.Photo credit: Paul BoxEach artist has also partnered with a local community group to show how Bristol is localising global conversations on poverty eradication, environmental protection and societal equality. New activations will be popping up across the city throughout October. Artist duo Filthy Luker has taken over the rooftop of We The Curious, Bristol with an inflatable floral sculpture to amplify SDG15 Life on Land, in partnership with The Natural History Consortium. Photo credit: Paul BoxSavita Willmot is chief executive of The Natural History Consortium, a charitable collaboration of 14 organisations working together on a shared mission: to develop, test and disseminate best practice to engage everyone with the environment and natural world. Speaking on the collaboration with Filthy Luker, Savita noted how art is a powerful tool to spread environmental awareness:“This year city partners came together to create the first One City Ecological Emergency Strategy. Our challenge is to now bring these ideas to life across the streets of Bristol. Arts and culture are at the heart of our city, and harnessing the engaging power of art will be crucial to tackling our environmental emergencies.“Photo credit: Doug GillenGabriel Pitcher has partnered with community ambassador, The Global Goals Centre to paint a mural in St Werburgh’s, Bristol celebrating Bristol 17 hero Katie Cross, founder of Pledgeball. Pledgeball harnesses the power of football and its fans to accelerate the pursuit of global sustainability. Through affiliated clubs, it prompts fans into small lifestyle ‘pledges’ in support of their favourite team and their only planet and empowers fans by demonstrating the huge impact even small changes can make for the benefit of themselves and their environment.Photo credit: Doug GillenSpeaking on the collaboration Gabriel Pitcher said:“I’ve always been interested in exploring and documenting the stories behind the people I paint. This portrait celebrates Katie Cross, her sport and her effort to ignite that same curiosity and energy for engaging meaningfully with the conversation on climate action.”The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.The series of art activations is curated by Charlotte Pyatt and runs alongside the blockbuster exhibition Vanguard: Bristol Street Art running until 30 October at M Shed, Bristol. Photo credit: Peachy HannaCampus Pool Skatepark to celebrate the role of skate culture in fostering pathways into the creativity industries. Founded in 2011, Campus Skateparks is a not-for-profit organisation that uses the positive energy and influence of skateboarding to engage with children and young people. Through its work with different communities around Bristol, it focuses on promoting inclusivity in the skateboarding scene.Photo credit: Pete Metclaff for Fifth Wall TVMau Mau has teamed up with community partner Frank Water to reflect on our behaviour and attitude to water. His mural on Surrey St, St Pauls, also uses the Graphenstone paints and considers water as a global system and how our actions here affect water supplies across the world.The Vanguard team is made up of a collective of artists, specialists and collectors involved in the global street art movement. Their debut exhibition will be presented at Bristol Museums’ M Shed. The project is led by Mary McCarthy with creative direction from Charlotte Pyatt, art direction from Justin MacCarthy aka DICY, design direction from Graham Dews aka PARIS.Photo credit: PlasterVanguard’s Outreach and Art Interventions Partner TOward2030. What are you doing? is an award-winning cultural project conceived by Lavazza Group’s Sustainability and Communications Departments and executed in 2018/9 with the City of Turin. It strives to activate the dynamic energy of art on the streets to create a dialogue with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the host city. It aims to unite and inspire creatives and communities in a positive and meaningful way, using art as an accessible bridge to the goals. The project strives to encourage relationships between sustainability and the urban art community by fostering collaborations between cities, artists, organisations and NGOs.Check out below for more photos of the project. More