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    ROA in Ghent, Belgium

    Internationally praised street artist ROA just finished his new masterpiece on the façade of the GUM (Ghent University Museum). The brand-new science museum now acts as a canvas for a magnificent pile of skeletons, including that of an elephant, a rhinoceros, a grizzly bear and an okapi. In this piece of art, ROA once again […] More

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    “Le plan sur la gommette” Exhibition by Ella & Pitr in Paris

    Artistic duo Ella & Pitr is back with their latest exhibition “Le plan sur la gommette” that runs from June 9th to July 4th, 2020. This exhibition will feature the 70 works they prepared during one year. Through a series of artworks painted in sandpits and then destroyed with explosives, Ella & Pitr give back its place to one […] More

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    Alberto Montes in Zaragoza, Spain

    Alberto Montes recently finished another mural in Zaragoza, Spain. His new murals features nature and was created in relation to the landscape surrounding it. Alberto’s new works encourages pause, contemplation and reflection to counter the haste and lack of attention in the public space. Alberto Montes is a visual artist born in Los Corrales, Seville in 1995.  He […] More

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    “Tetra Fish” by Dados Punto Cero in Spain

    Dados Punto Cero is back with a new mural in Cembranos, Castilla y León, Spain. The mural entitled “Tetra Fish” depicts plastic waste in a form a fish. “We eat what we do not recycle and sometimes not everything is 100% recyclable. In this situation, we only have to reuse, reinvent… We can create life Reducing Waste” […] More

  • ‘We’re Going to Get There’: Watch Artist Abigail DeVille Stage Guerilla Performances Inspired by the Great Migration

    On Friday, marches, parades, and processions across the United States will mark Juneteenth, the 155th anniversary of the abolition of slavery. In 2014, the New York-based artist Abigail DeVille staged a procession of her own through the streets of Harlem. sought to express both the joy and the pain of the African American experience. The event—which the […] More

  • A Dozen Black Artists Explore the Triumphs and Tribulations of Life in America in a New Online Exhibition—See It Here

    “Renaissance Noir“Online through July 3 at UTA Artist Space What the gallery says: “‘Renaissance: Noir’ investigates Blackness on the continuum of the historiographies of African American artists’ narratives that assert, individually and collectively, their state-of-mind and state-of-being Black. An existence of “double consciousness,” as coined by W.E.B. DuBois, where one is constantly combating the ‘isms’—racism, colorism, […] More

  • Artist Gabriel Rico’s Latest Show at Perrotin in Paris Combines Taxidermy Animals With Post-Structuralist Philosophy—See It Here

    “Gabriel Rico: Nature Loves to Hide”Through August 14 at Perrotin, Paris What the gallery says: “Gabriel Rico’s formulas are brief and precise expressions to make, solve, or achieve something concrete. Thus, they are processes helping to resolve problems or carry out tasks with a series of symbols and rules. The big difference between mathematical formulas […] More