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    Lush Growths and Classical Architecture Converge in Eva Jospin’s Meticulous Sculptures

    “Forêt” (2024), wood, cardboard, 94 1/2 x 133 7/8 x 19 3/4 inches. All images courtesy of Mariane Ibrahim, shared with permission

    Lush Growths and Classical Architecture Converge in Eva Jospin’s Meticulous Sculptures

    November 16, 2024


    Grace Ebert





    Rather than position herself as an observer of landscapes, Eva Jospin imagines humans and their environments as one. The Parisian artist carves intricate forests and stately architecture subsumed by vines and craggy cliffs all from humble cardboard, accentuating the corrugated textures to add depth and intrigue.

    In her Chicago debut at Mariane Ibrahim, Jospin presents a series of freestanding sculptures and wall works that invite the viewer to venture into her large-scale, yet incredibly intricate worlds. Titled Vanishing Points, the exhibition gestures toward perspective and the ways subtle details and contemplation can shift how we see.

    “Forêt troglodyte” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 72 1/2 x 59 x 31 1/2 inches

    As with earlier bodies of work, Jospin’s paper sculptures and vivid, silk tapestries draw on classical styles and the 18th-century tradition of follies, architectural structures designed for decoration. These often ornate buildings could be found in many Baroque gardens, which took human mastery over nature as an imperative.

    The artist’s works instead depict a convergence between the manufactured and the organic. In the six-foot tall “Forêt troglodyte,” for example, vines crawl down from a ceiling embedded with shells and sea sponges. The exquisite vault stands parallel to a similarly shaped cavern, occupied by trees rising from a rugged bluff.

    Jospin walks viewers through her process and studio in the video below. If you’re in Chicago, see Vanishing Points before January 25.

    Detail of “Forêt troglodyte” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 72 1/2 x 59 x 31 1/2 inches

    “Capriccio” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 76 3/8 x 41 3/8 x 21 5/8 inches

    Detail of “Capriccio” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 76 3/8 x 41 3/8 x 21 5/8 inches

    “Jardin Constantine” (2024), silk thread, silk canvas, wood and cardboard frame,46 x 96 7/8 x 4 inches

    “Jardin Constantine” (2024), silk thread, silk canvas, wood and cardboard frame,46 x 96 7/8 x 4 inches

    “Petit Bois” (2024), wood, cardboard, 28 x 34 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches

    “Treille” (2024), silk thread, silk canvas, wood and cardboard frame, 100 3/4 x 69 1/4 x 4 inches

    Detail of “Forêt” (2024), wood, cardboard, 94 1/2 x 133 7/8 x 19 3/4 inches

    Detail of “Treille” (2024), silk thread, silk canvas, wood, and cardboard frame, 100 3/4 x 69 1/4 x 4 inches

    “Labyrinthe” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 41 x 39 3/8 x 27 1/2 inches

    Detail of “Labyrinthe” (2024), wood, cardboard, and mixed media, 41 x 39 3/8 x 27 1/2 inches

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    Laura Kramer’s Glass Sculptures Intersect Aesthetics and Archaeology

    “Curiosity Box.” All images © Laura Kramer, shared with permission

    Laura Kramer’s Glass Sculptures Intersect Aesthetics and Archaeology

    November 13, 2024


    Jackie Andres





    Material culture is an important aspect of understanding past and present histories. Used in anthropology and archaeology, the concept refers to the the cultural significance an object may hold. Whether it be tools, religious articles, clothing, or even art, physical items have always been a reflection of the societies that wield them. Glass artist Laura Kramer is driven by this phenomenon.

    Into her work, Kramer carries personal experiences from studying anthropology and archaeology and participating in excavations—or “digs”— in St. Eustatius, an island in the Caribbean. “I am interested in the connection of the imbued spirit within the object,” she explains. “My work is deeply influenced by the cabinet of curiosities—odd objects that may not be easily categorized.”


    From her studio in Rhode Island, Kramer sculpts organic forms encrusted in ornate textures that mimic the natural formation of crystals. Sometimes using found objects like wasp nests, the artist creates peculiar sculptures that defy generally accepted systems of classification. Challenging the typical boundary between the manmade and natural, her sculptures land in a liminal space when examined from an anthropological point of view.

    See more from Kramer on Instagram.


    “Memento Mori”



    “Crystal Bowl”

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    Imagination and Introspection Suffuse Hans Op de Beeck’s Immersive ‘Whispered Tales’

    “Zhai-Liza (Angel).” All images courtesy of Hans Op De Beeck and Templon, shared with permission

    Imagination and Introspection Suffuse Hans Op de Beeck’s Immersive ‘Whispered Tales’

    November 13, 2024


    Kate Mothes





    In his characteristically gray, monochrome palette, Hans Op de Beeck‘s current solo exhibition Whispered Tales at Templon fashions enigmatic narratives from lifelike silhouettes. The immersive, sprawling presentation brings together a mix of new and previous work, inviting viewers into an atmospheric, introspective space.

    People and dioramas appear frozen in time in Op de Beeck’s sculptures, as if plucked from a memory or dream. “Zhai-Lia (Angel),” for example, portrays a young girl wearing fairy wings and a holding a wand, seated pensively in front of a swathe of bamboo. In “Zhai-Lia (mother’s shoes),” she wears a tutu and oversized high heels.

    Installation view of “Zhai-Lia (mother’s shoes)” in ‘Whispered Tales’ at Templon, New York

    The artist often depicts children who interact with the adult world yet remain innocent to concerns beyond their own, channeling the engrossing otherworldliness of youthful imagination and play. The invariable flatness of the gray palette makes the figures appear removed from reality, while lending a universal feel to their presence.

    Time also finds purchase in works like “Danse Macabre,” in which a miniature carousel is raised to eye level on a pole and a skeleton stands amid celestial objects in Victorian-era garments. Along with a sculpture titled “Vanitas Table” in which a classic still life setting features a human skull, Op de Beeck taps into the tradition of memento mori, the reminder that life inevitably ends.

    “The way the artist plays with the perception of scale and atmosphere sparks a disconnect, a feeling of strangeness when confronted with scenes lifted out of the ordinary,” says a gallery statement. “Each work offers us the seed of yet another possible story … [and] transforms the prosaic into an almost magical experience where simplicity gives birth to the unexpected.”

    Whispered Tales continues through December 21 in New York. Find more on the artist’s website and Instagram.

    “Danse Macabre”

    Detail of “Danse Macabre”

    Detail of “Maurice”

    Installation view of ‘Whispered Tales’ at Templon, New York

    Installation view of ‘Whispered Tales’ at Templon, New York

    Installation view of “Zhai-Liza (Angel)” in ‘Whispered Tales’ at Templon, New York

    “My Uncle’s Country House”

    Installation view of ‘Whispered Tales’ at Templon, New York

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    ‘Crafted Kinship’ Unravels the Creative Practices of 60 Carribbean Artists, Designers, and Makers

    Morel Doucet. Photo by Alaric S. Campbell. All images excerpted from ‘Crafted Kinship’ by Malene Barnett and published by Artisan Books, © 2024, shared with permission

    ‘Crafted Kinship’ Unravels the Creative Practices of 60 Carribbean Artists, Designers, and Makers

    November 8, 2024

    ArtBooksSocial Issues

    Grace Ebert





    A new book by Malene Barnett celebrates more than 60 artists, designers, and craftspeople whose work has been shaped by their Caribbean roots.Published by Artisan, Crafted Kinship: Inside the Creative Practices of Contemporary Black Caribbean Makers peers into a range of multi-faceted practices influenced by the diaspora. Whether drawing on connections to the land and memory or speaking to colonial histories and African origins, each creative shares insight into their practices, histories, and communities through insightful interviews.

    April Bey

    Several artists featured previously on Colossal have contributed their stories to the nearly 400-page tome. Firelei Báez, for example, discusses how her work strives to center the Caribbean within a global context by capturing traditions like Carnival or perfectly translating the way sunlight would filter through her grandmother’s backyard in the Dominican Republic.

    Similarly, Morel Doucet explains how foregrounding his Haitian identity has allowed him to tell his own story, rather than have others decide who or what his delicate, ceramic sculptures are about.

    Also included in the book are April Bey, who illuminates the relationship between opulence and thriving futures, and Sonya Clark, who unravels the Eurocentric distinction between art and craft. Barnett, too, is an artist and maker who shares glimpses into her studio and meticulous ceramic practices.

    Firelei Báez

    As a whole, Crafted Kinship focuses on the processes, considerations, and histories that go into a vast range of works, drawing connections between each element, maker, and their ancestral ties.

    Find your copy on Bookshop.

    Lavar Munroe

    Basil Watson

    Sonya Clark. Photo by Alaric S. Campbell

    Charmaine Watkiss

    April Bey. Photo by Alaric S. Campbell

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    Metaphysical Landscapes by Eliot Greenwald Illuminate the Mutuality of All Life

    “Letter to the Center of the Lake” (2024), oil stick and acrylic on canvas over panel, diptych, 72 x 94 x 2 inches. All images courtesy of the artist and HARPER’S, shared with permission

    Metaphysical Landscapes by Eliot Greenwald Illuminate the Mutuality of All Life

    November 8, 2024


    Kate Mothes





    For Eliot Greenwald, humankind and the landscapes we occupy are essentially one in the same. Cycles of life, death, and rebirth may diverge from being to being, but the artist considers all existence to be fundamentally interconnected and substantially the same.

    At HARPER’S in Chelsea, Greenwald’s solo exhibition Library continues to explore the artist’s fascination with landscape and the metaphysical, inviting us to explore a surreal realm of otherworldly botanicals, double moons, and enigmatic pathways.

    “Ask the Arrow” (2024), oil stick and acrylic on canvas over panel, diptych, 72 x 94 x 2 inches

    In oil stick and acrylic, Greenwald often repeats motifs of trees and mountains through variations in light and hue, nodding to the cyclical nature of the seasons and how the time of day or year influences how we perceive the world around us.

    The artist also incorporates vehicles that wind their way through the scenes and illuminate their surroundings. “These miniature automobiles stand in for the human vessel itself—a subtle reminder that even the most engineered facets of the Anthropocene are just one piece in the grander puzzle of existence,” says a gallery statement.

    In addition to Greenwald’s organically-shaped canvas pieces, Library also includes sculptural elements, like “Library of Paper Towels,” a tiny, freestanding room filled with books covered in colorful paper.

    Made of reclaimed wood salvaged from an 18th-century barn in western Massachusetts, where the artist lives, the repository contains hundreds of hand-bound books made from paper towel. Employing a material made expressly to be used and thrown away, the artist reckons with the way knowledge is gained, shared, preserved, and valued.

    Library continues through December 7 in New York City. Find more on the artist’s website and Instagram.

    Installation view of ‘Library’

    “Detail of Library of Paper Towels” (2024), wood, hardware, hat light, extension cord, and artist books, 110 x 50 x 50 inches

    “Blanket Drapes with its Fringe” (2024), oil stick and acrylic on canvas over panel, 78 x 47 x 2 inches

    Detail of “Blanket Drapes with its Fringe”

    “Not A Franz West” (2024), oil stick and acrylic on canvas over panel, 95 x 47 x 2 inches

    “Wind Doesn’t Suck, It Blows” (2024), oil stick and acrylic on canvas over panel, diptych, 72 x 94 x 2 inches

    Detail of “Wind Doesn’t Suck, It Blows”

    Installation view of ‘Library’

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    Quentin Garel’s Lifelike Sculptures Transport Us to the ‘Faraway Forest’

    All images courtesy of the artist and Galerie LJ, shared with permission

    Quentin Garel’s Lifelike Sculptures Transport Us to the ‘Faraway Forest’

    November 7, 2024


    Kate Mothes





    Lifelike mammals with sage expressions characterize the sculptures of Quentin Garel (previously). A deer with enormous antlers, an ibex—a type of wild goat—with curving horns, and a beady-eyed donkey are just a few of the creatures in the artist’s current solo exhibition with Galerie LJ, Dans la Forêt Lontaine—or, “in the faraway forest.”

    Oscillating between reality and fantasy, Garel’s sculptures portray creatures threatened by overhunting, displaying them on the wall or atop metal rods like trophies. He works with the wood’s natural grain, allowing the whorls and knots to emphasize musculature.

    Part of a commissioned series for a public installation in Thonon-les-Bains, France, Garel explores the theme of mountain animals, drawing attention to the needless impulse to hunt for sport. In Thonon-les-Bains, bronze casts of the pieces shown currently at Galerie LJ will be installed in a large wall fountain.

    Dans la Forêt Lontaine continues through November 23 in Paris. Find more of Garel’s work on Instagram.

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    Magic and Whimsy Abound from Shannon Taylor’s Fantastic Watercolor Dioramas

    All images courtesy of Hashimoto Contemporary, shared with permission

    Magic and Whimsy Abound from Shannon Taylor’s Fantastic Watercolor Dioramas

    October 29, 2024


    Grace Ebert





    Tucked inside vintage compacts are magical worlds of whimsy and mischief carefully concocted by Shannon Taylor. The Oakland-based artist (previously) transforms antique vessels into lush breeding grounds for fantastic creatures, spirited gatherings, and the occasional vampiric character.

    Taylor’s solo exhibition Night Market opens at Hashimoto Contemporary next month with a stunning collection of works that peek into the strange happenings occurring after darkness.

    Meticulously cut with a precision knife from watercolor paintings, each miniature scene lures the viewer into an enchanting environment that appears much more robust than its inches-wide frame. Taylor’s recent works conjure intricately layered narratives of supernatural rituals and a moon passionate about her own likeness, which, at the right angle, is reflected in the mirrored pond below.

    Night Market runs from November 9 to 30 in Los Angeles. Until then, find more from Taylor on Instagram.

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    Jean Jullien’s Immersive ‘Paper Society’ Mirrors Our Cultures, Customs, and Daily Lives

    Installation view of ‘Paper Society.’ All images courtesy of the artist and PUBLIK GASAN, shared with permission

    Jean Jullien’s Immersive ‘Paper Society’ Mirrors Our Cultures, Customs, and Daily Lives

    October 28, 2024


    Kate Mothes





    From the Parco Museum in Tokyo to the storied Le Bon Marché in Paris and beyond, Jean Jullien’s Paper People (previously) cheerfully express the world we live in through large-scale installations. The prosperous population have now taken over the expansive PUBLIK GASAN in Seoul, welcoming us to reflect on universally relatable daily activities, customs, emotions, and social issues.

    In the artist’s latest immersive presentation, minimalist figures check their phones, visit cafes, and work on a production line in a lighthearted and sympathetic vision of everyday life.

    Titled Paper Society, Jullien’s exhibition is organized into three parts. First, visitors encounter the “Factory,” where the paper people are born and work together, sorting through a variety of patterns and sizes available for replication on a conveyor belt.

    “Paper Town” is encountered next, modeled after our own urban landscapes, with city blocks, businesses, and institutions. Finally, the “Snake Room” leads viewers along the curves of a giant serpent covered on both sides in hand-drawn timelines detailing the histories of both humanity and its playful, parallel civilization.

    Paper Society marks the final iteration of the Paper People installations. Explore more work on Jullien’s website and Instagram.

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