Vasilisa Romanenko’s Lush Portraits Wrap Common Birds in Decadent Patterns
“American Crow” (2025),
acrylic on canvas, 8 x 8 inches. All images courtesy of Vasilisa Romanenko and Arch Enemy Arts, shared with permission
Vasilisa Romanenko’s Lush Portraits Wrap Common Birds in Decadent Patterns
March 11, 2025
Grace Ebert
Beauty and nature’s resilience are at the core of Vasilisa Romanenko’s work. The Connecticut-based artist paints faithful depictions of common yet dignified birds amid clusters of fruits and flowers, exploring the power of opulence in times of upheaval.
A stately crow poses amid rust-colored roses, a great blue heron poses amid clusters of tangerines and lilies, and a small warbler perches amid pink poppies. Referencing the defiantly decorative works of English textile designer William Morris (1834–1896), Romanenko embraces the entrancing nature of decadent patterns.
“Great Blue Heron” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 22 x 28 inches
“I want my work to feel like an escape from everyday life, like taking a moment to be still and appreciate nature,” she says about her solo exhibition, BIRDS & BLOOMS, at Arch Enemy Arts. Enveloped by flora at full bloom, the winged subjects exude a sense of calm and strength as they perch and prepare for their next flight.
BIRDS & BLOOMS is on view through March 30 in Philadelphia. Find more from Romanenko on her website and Instagram.
“Northern Mockingbird” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14 inches
“Black-capped Chickadee” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 5 x 7 inches
“Orange-crowned Warbler” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 5 x 7 inches
“Dark-eyed Juncos” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches
“Palm Warbler” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 8 x 10 inches
“Brewer’s Blackbird” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches
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