‘All of These Woman Hide in Some Way’: Painter Aliza Nisenbaum on Tutoring Migrants to Express Themselves Through Art

For Cuban-born artist Tania Bruguera, there is no distinction between art and activism: her work, which is grounded in civic engagement and furthers the idea of (using art as a utility or tool) is manifestly political.

In an exclusive interview with Art21 filmed in 2015, the artist discussed her project , formed to help immigrants empower themselves and their communities through art.

By using art, the members “grow and understand how to work from their fear—with the limitations they have put on themselves once they enter this country,” she explains in the video, which aired as part of Art21’s Extended Play series.

The video includes testimony from another contemporary artist, Aliza Nisenbaum, who has earned acclaim for her intimate portraits, many created through . She also helped tutor members of the community.

Nisenbaum, who was born in Mexico City and now lives in Brooklyn, is inspired by the mural painting projects that defined a generation of artists in her native country.

“A lot of these women… hide in some way… because they are undocumented,” Nisenbaum tells Art21. I was trying to give a sense of agency to the women… in terms of finding their voice, in terms of art and basic English skills.”

 Extended Play, 

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Source: Exhibition - news.artnet.com


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