A school on the NSW Far North Coast will get a $20 million upgrade with new and refurbished spaces for teaching and core facilities.
Designed by SJB, the project includes a new library, new creative and performing arts building and purpose-built outdoor sports pavilion.
An existing block will be refurbished to create flexible learning spaces that cater for future-focused teaching approaches.
The existing library will also be redeveloped into a senior learning environment, and the kitchen will be upgraded for the school’s hospitality teaching.
Kingscliff School upgrade designed by SJB.
“The proposed design builds upon existing design principles with an architecture of simple roof forms and spaces that respond to adjacent levels, sight axis and external activities at open ends of new buildings,” said SJB in a design statement.
“The proposal seeks to ‘sleeve’ in new buildings into an established context.
“New facades are brick veneer, articulated with expressed brickwork framing views and creating building edges that can be used and occupied.”
Kingscliff School upgrade designed by SJB.
A state significant development application for the project has been submitted to the NSW department of planning for assessment.
The school upgrade is slated for completion in late-2022.
Source: Architecture - architectureau