The Sydney Opera House has unveiled the completed transformation of the iconic concert hall – the largest and final project of its 10-year renewal program ahead of the building’s 50th anniversary in 2023.
Designed by ARM Architecture and a team of acoustic, engineering, heritage and theatre consultants, the project combined restoration and technological innovation that transformed the acoustic properties of the venue, allowing the concert hall to host a range of performances from classical symphonies to contemporary music and theatre.
Inside the concert hall, 18 new acoustic reflectors have replaced the former acrylic doughnut-shaped reflectors on the ceiling. ARM Architecture designed these new petal-shaped reflectors in collaboration with German acoustic engineers Müller BBM. They are made from composite fibreglass by racing yacht manufacturer Shapeshift and Waagner Biro.
The semi-gloss magenta colour of the reflectors matches the upholstery on the audience seats in Peter Hall’s design for the concert hall interior.
The renewal works included 18 petal-shaped composite fibreglass acoustic reflectors finished in semi-gloss magenta to match the upholstery of the seats.
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Elsewhere, special acoustic diffusion panels were added to the timber box fronts of the concert hall, which allow for more balanced, true sound in classical orchestral mode.
The Sydney Opera House concert hall had been plagued with acoustic issues since its opening in 1973. A 2011 Limelight magazine survey of performers and critics found that the concert hall ranked 18th out of the 20 listed classical music venues around Australia.
“Every great orchestra around the world has a symbiotic relationship with their home venue they become synonymous with the space. The place that an orchestra performs in is just as important as the instruments and musicians that are on stage – it shapes the way we sound and how an audience experiences live performances with us,” said Sydney Symphony Orchestra concert master Andrew Haveron.
“The extraordinary acoustic improvement of the Sydney Opera House concert hall, which has far exceeded any of our expectations, means that finally, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra can be heard at its finest!”
A new sound system for amplified mode has been installed, as well as automated stage risers, automated draping system, and new theatre flying system for lighting and scenery. The original stage has also been lowered by 400 millimetres to improve sightlines to the stage.
The renewal works also included improved accessibility with a new lift and passageways, doubling the number of accessible seating positions.
More than 90 percent of the demolition waste from the construction has been recycled. Timber salvaged from the former stage was made into 60 pairs of clapsticks for Indigenous composer and performer William Barton.
Source: Architecture - architectureau