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    Home MuralFest by Void Projects

    Our friends from Void Projects cultural platform have recently launched their newest project, Home MuralFest which is currently taking shape worldwide. Prompted by the current situation and the initiative by Jacoba from Denmark, the idea is to unite a global community of artists, currently physically apart, to create something together. The event will take place through April 30, […] More

  • A Kaleidoscopic Show Organized by Fashion Designer Duro Olowu Looks at the People, Culture, and Art of Chicago. See It Here

    “Now Olowu turns his cosmopolitan eye to Chicago. Drawing from the city’s public and private art collections, including works in the MCA’s collection, Olowu curates a show that reimagines relationships between artists and objects across time, media, and geography. Moving away from traditional exhibition formats, Olowu combines photographs, paintings, sculptures, and films in dense and […] More

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    An International Consortium of Museums Has Invited 16 Locked-Down Artists to Create Work for Their Balconies

    As more of the world enters into isolation to protect public health, windows, balconies and building façades have taken on a new role in public life. Seven international museums including Madrid’s Reina Sofia and the M HKA in Antwerp have tapped into the potential of these externally-facing spaces for artistic expression, commissioning 16 locked-down artists […] More

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    Shepard Fairey “Mother Nature on the Run” New Print Available Today

    Contemporary artist Shepard Fairey just released a new print entitled “Mother Nature on the Run” through Obey Giant. The “Mother Nature on the Run” letterpress print was inspired by a couple of things: specifically, the genetic modification of fruits and vegetables by monopolistic corporations, and generally, the pervasive disregard for nature’s delicate balance reflected in government […] More

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    The Staff of a Tiny Locked-Down Dutch Museum Is Offering to Talk to Anyone Who Wants to Chat About Art. So I Gave Them a Call.

    If your inbox is anything like mine these days, it’s probably accumulating promotional emails for online viewing rooms, digital art platforms, Instagram takeovers, and intellectual e-talks trying to make this extraordinary time of isolation a little more enriching. Sifting through the emails, I empathize with the efforts, which are surely all in earnest. The art […] More

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    Join The Editorial Team

    We are currently looking for a few select people to share their knowledge with the readers of StreetArtNews on a bi-weekly basis, writing about the art based topics they enjoy and want to support. Why write for us? StreetArtNews gets over 300 thousands views each month, meaning a LOT of eyes will see your writing, […] More