Eliana Willis
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in ExhibitionsShoe Designer to the Stars Christian Louboutin on How Warhol Inspired His First Red-Soled Heel and Why He Calls Himself an ‘Applied Artist’
What shoes should one wear to meet Christian Louboutin? That’s what I was wondering as I made my way to interview the designer behind the red-soled heels favored by celebrities and royalty, and who is now the subject of a sweeping exhibition at the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris. The show, titled “L’Exhibition[iste],” contains […] More
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in Exhibitions‘It’s Like Practicing the Piano’: Watch Interdisciplinary Artist Joan Jonas Describe How Drawing Supports Her Other Creative Pursuits
For the artist Joan Jonas—a virtuoso dancer, composer, and sculptor—drawing serves as both a conditioned mode of practice, and sometimes as a final product. “It’s like practicing the piano,” she said in an exclusive interview with Art21 back in 2014. “The first ones that I do often don’t come out, so I have to practice […] More
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in ExhibitionsDresden’s Old Masters Picture Gallery Reopens After a $50 Million Renovation, Looking to Shake Up How We Experience Classical Art
Since 1754, one of Raphael’s most enigmatic paintings, , has resided at the Old Masters Picture Gallery in Dresden (besides a short stint during which the painting headed to Russia, following the German’s loss in World War II). This weekend, the Madonna and her two iconic little angels are on view within a new constellation […] More
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in ExhibitionsBuildings With Skin and Wearable Digestive Systems: How Neri Oxman Is Revolutionizing the Relationship Between Biology and Design
The designer and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Neri Oxman has spent the last 20 years of her career thinking about new ways to live. She pushes at the boundaries between theoretical and functional design, the built environment and the natural one. She has conceptualized workable things that feel like they shouldn’t exist for another hundred […] More
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in ExhibitionsThe Uffizi’s Scientific Committee Has Resigned in Protest of the Museum’s Loaning a Raphael Masterpiece Against Its Advice
The scientific committee of the Uffizi has collectively resigned in protest over the Florence museum’s decision to loan out Raphael’s portrait of Pope Leo X. The historic work is currently on view in Rome, despite the expert group’s recommendation that the painting was not in a state to be moved. The mass resignation occurred yesterday, […] More
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in ExhibitionsTo Portray America’s Diversity in the Age of Polarization, Shirin Neshat Went to New Mexico to Photograph One of Its Poorest States
I recognized Shirin Neshat by her black kohl eyeliner, which frames her kind eyes like war paint. We met at Goodman Gallery in London, where the veteran artist is presenting a new body of work in her first solo exhibition in the city in two decades. The two films and the series of photographic portraits […] More
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in Street Art“We Live Here” by RoamCouch in Gifu, Japan
Japanese street artist Ryo Ogawa, better known as RoamCouch, spent 2 full days working on a brand new piece entitled “We Live Here” on the streets of Gifu, Japan. This gorgeous stenciled art was created as part of his project “Emotional Bridge Project”, the purpose of which is to revitalize his lovely hometown using street […] More