Limits of size or budget are no obstacles for the Australian architects who will present their work as part of a symposium on small projects.
Curated by Anita Panov and Andrew Scott of Panov Scott Architects, The Architecture Symposium: Small will celebrate projects or processes that might not necessarily be physically small but which involve “divergent practice methods developed over many years to produce an enviable economy of architectural means.”
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St Albans Housing by NMBW Architecture Studio.
The Design Speaks program will be presented virtually, with each session viewable live and then available on demand until until 19 November.
The first session, scheduled for 6 October, is themed “Making Urban.” Speakers include John Choi of Chrofi, who will present his firm’s project for Parramatta Mission; Mel Bright of Studio Bright, presenting Loftus Lane; Amelia Holliday and Isabelle Toland of Aileen Sage Architects, discussing Redfern Community Facility; and Olivia Hyde, director of design excellence at the Office of the Government Architect NSW.
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Loftus Lane by Studio Bright. Image:
Rory Gardiner
Session two, streaming live on 13 October, will be about “Making Suburban.” Nigel Bertram of NMBW Architecture Studio will present St Albans Housing; Simon Pendal, of Simon Pendal Architect will present Beaconsfield House; John Ellway will present Three House, the 2021 Australian House of the Year; and Mat Hinds and Poppy Taylor of Taylor and Hinds will present their project Bozen’s Cottage.
And finally, on 20 October, Session three will be about “Making Community.” Speakers include Jennie Officer, Officer Woods Architects; Matthew Eagle, ME; Rachel Nolan and Patrick Kennedy, Kennedy Nolan; and Alexander Symes, Alexander Symes Architect.
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Bozen’s Cottage by Taylor and Hinds. Image:
Adam Gibson
Each session will be followed by a live panel discussion led by curators Panov and Scott.
For further information, head here.
The Architecture Symposium is a Design Speaks program organized by Architecture Media, publisher of The Architecture Symposium: Small is supported by principal partner Dulux and major partners Planned Cover and James Hardie. More