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    Terroir appointed to revamp Launceston icon

    The City of Launceston has appointed Terroir to design a new entrance to the historic Albert Hall. The new entrance to the eastern wing is part of a $10 million, three-stage project to upgrade the Launceston icon. Terroir won a competitive tender for the project and the council endorsed the Tender Review Committee’s recommendation at […] More

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    Snøhetta unveils rammed earth design for Adelaide’s Heysen Art Gallery

    The concept design for a new South Australian art gallery has been revealed. Designed by Snøhetta’s Adelaide studio, the proposed Heysen Art Gallery will be a purpose-built at the Hans Heysen Foundation’s property, The Cedars, in Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills. It will also include a restaurant, gift shop, and bushfire safe storage for the […] More

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    Council backs heritage protection for early Robin Boyd house

    A Melbourne council has voted unanimously to continue its bid to protect a significant Robin Boyd house in North Balwyn, despite a setback in its efforts.
    Wood House at 12-14 Tannock Street came to the attention of council when it was listed for sale and marketed for redevelopment in 2020.
    Melbourne academic and practitioner Jacqui Alexander launched a petition calling on the council to protect the building, which has now received more than 6,000 signatures. Boroondara councillors voted to proceed with the preparation of a permanent heritage overlay for the property and asked the state’s planning minister to place an interim heritage protection order on the house. The request was refused on the grounds that there were no active planning applications on the property, but the minister authorized the public exhibition of the permanent overlay.
    The proposed planning amendment was placed on exhibit from 3 December 2020 to 1 February 2021, with 20 submissions in support and six opposing. One reason put forward in opposition to the heritage protection was the potential impact on the price of the property – council officers noted in a report recommending approval of the overlay that “The potential private economic impacts are not a valid consideration when determining whether a property should be included in the Heritage Overlay or not.”

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    The Tannock Street house by Robin Boyd, documented in 1948. Image:

    Real estate listing

    Council officers found that Wood House was remarkable for representing a variety of stages in Boyd’s career. Boyd designed the building for pharmacist Don Wood in 1948, and client commissioned Boyd to expand the house two more times, in 1959 and 1971, the year of Boyd’s death.
    “The additions, made by the original architect, cannot be considered unsympathetic or intrusive; rather, they add an additional layer of significance for the way in which they demonstrate how Boyd, at various later stages of his career, approached the problem of extending one of his earliest houses,” the report states.
    The house is one of relatively few surviving examples from the early stages of Boyd’s career, prior to his partnership with Roy Grounds and Frederick Romberg. A 2015 heritage study of the area, which recommended heritage protection for the Tannock Street house along with 17 other post-war houses, found the house provided “rare and valuable evidence of the innovation, boldness and fresh design approaches of a young architect on the cusp of an illustrious career.”
    Jacqui Alexander, through a statement read at the council meeting on 12 April, called on the councillors to concur with the 6,000 community members who had signed her petition and protect the home.
    “The house encapsulated many ideas such as opening planning, spilt levels and window walls – in this case an improbably large plate glass window – that were extremely innovate at the time, particularly in the context of post-war Melbourne, when materials and labour were till limited,” she said. “It is a symbol of Australia’s growing optimism and enthusiasm when Melbourne’s eastern suburbs were expanding and new ideas about contemporary living were explored through the vehicle of the modern home.”
    Another person to speak in support of the heritage overlay was Mary Dross, a former councillor of the City of Camberwell who had been instrumental in instituting measures to protect heritage in the area.
    “We have to save our history…we have to protect the heritage for future generations.”
    The council will now request the state planning minister to appoint a planning panel to consider the proposed heritage overlay. More

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    Major upgrade to Sydney high school

    The “overstretched” Mosman High School in Sydney is set for some major building works, with Woods Bagot preparing designs for a four-storey multi-purpose building that will expand its capacity by 100 students.
    Enrolments to the school in the harbourside suburb have already exceed capacity, according to School Infrastructure NSW, and the new building is needed to meet growth demands by 2031.
    Woods Bagot’s design incorporates new spaces for performing arts, including a new theatre, along with science teaching spaces, a library, rooftop games court and outdoor learning spaces. Black Beetle is the landscape architect for the project, which will include a newly landscaped courtyard and rooftop.
    In total the new building will have capacity for 1,200 students, compared to the 1,116 students currently attending the school.

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    The proposed building at Mosman High School designed by Woods Bagot.

    “The proposed built form sits within a conservation area and the rich heritage of Military Road, respecting the scale and materials of its context,” writes Woods Bagot in planning documents.
    “The form of the scheme aims to provide a new entrance in the safer, more pedestrian environment of Belmont Road, which creates a protective built perimeter to enclose a central courtyard environment. This enhances the civic and heritage forms while providing a secure and noise and pollution-mitigating environment that expands the existing play space within.”
    The existing Military Road setback will be retained, meaning most of the existing trees on that edge will also be retained, while the building’s predominant parapet height has been designed to align with the eaves of the school’s historic Arts Building as well as the parapets of the retail buildings on the opposite side of Military Road. The upper levels, which will contain the library, rooftop terraces and games court, will be set back to maintain views of the sky from Military Road.
    In terms of pedagogical considerations, the scheme aims at a mix of open plan learning environments and more traditional enclosed classrooms organized into “learning neighbourhoods” focused on specific subject areas. Each learning neighbourhood will form a “wing” of the building.
    “Facing the courtyard, the rich mix of uses is revealed, through the hall and its garage style doors, and the theatre acting as a ‘jewel’ being the prominent feature of the courtyard,” writes Woods Bagot. “The courtyard facing facades feature covered open walkways that continue the circulation character of the existing school, while engaging the central courtyard.”
    A new “arts courtyard” will be formed between the new hall and the existing Arts Building conceived as a lively events space spilling out from the hall.
    The project will see the total demolition of two existing buildings, and the partial demolition of another.
    The state-significant development application is on public exhibit until 5 May. More

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    Cumulus designs addition to award-winning winery

    Cumulus Studio has designed an addition to a winery cellar door on the east coast of Tasmania, six years after completing a series of shipping container buildings for the winery. Set within the wild landscape by Moulting Lagoon and the Apsley Marshes, Devil’s Corner is a popular stop-off along Tasmania’s Great Eastern Drive. The cellar […] More

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    Housing competition winning design to be built

    A public housing block of 12 apartments will be built in Braybrook, western Melbourne, as part of the Victorian government’s Future Homes pilot program.
    The apartments will be designed by Melbourne-based architecture firms Lian in association with Kerstin Thompson Architects.
    Lian (working with Finding Infinity and Openwork) was one of four winners in the Future Homes competition, which sought exemplary apartment designs that could easily be replicated across Melbourne’s suburbs.
    Titled “Freespace,” Lian’s winning design proposes a modular system of volumetric blocks that that can arranged in various ways to suit different houshold types. The design suggests that each dwelling will be made up of a double-height living area, with a 25 square metre outdoor space attached, and bedroom and bathroom blocks to suit.
    The modular design was chosen to be built as a demonstration project through a competitive tender process run by Homes Victoria, which included the four competition finalists. A spokesperson for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning told ArchitectureAU the tenders were assessed against price, value for money and the experience and capability of the firm.
    “In the end Lian were selected as on balance they best met all of the assessment criteria.”

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    The winning proposal by Lian (with Finding Infinity and Openwork).

    A spokesperson for Lian said they had approached Kerstin Thompson Architects to collaborate with on the project because of its focus on the public agenda and research and that KTA been a “role model and inspiration” for Lian’s own work.
    The 12 new homes will be a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, with some of the ground-level apartments designed for full wheel-chair accessibility.
    The government said the homes will be “light filled, have access to green space and be environmentally sustainable, providing thermal comfort for residents.”
    All four winning design teams of the Future Homes competition will work with the planning department and the Office of the Victorian Government Architect to refine their entries into design models to be incorporated into the Victorian planning scheme.
    “The Future Homes competition contributed such incredible new design concepts and this is an exciting first opportunity to bring these designs to life,” said housing minister Richard Wynne.
    “These new designs will set new benchmarks in sustainability and liveability – helping create a new generation of apartment living that’s better, smarter, safer and healthier for the whole community.” More

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    New food hall for Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market

    The City of Melbourne is preparing the ground for the $40 million redevelopment of the Queen Victoria Market.
    Councillors will vote on three separate applications on 13 April, for two new sheds designed by NH Architecture – the “trader shed” and “northern shed” – and the revitalization of the food hall to designs by BSPN Architecture.
    While NH Architecture’s designs for the redeveloped sheds were first released in early 2020, the concept designs for the food hall are new.
    “Traders have told us that the existing food court, which was built in the mid-1990s, is outdated and limits the potential to grow their businesses,” Melbourne mayor Sally Capp said.
    “This upgrade will include an improved dining area including more seating, flexible layout, cooking demonstration area, greenery, new flooring and roof.”
    Council management’s report to the Future Melbourne committee, which recommends approval for the food hall transformation, says the project would create “an exciting contemporary hospitality destination within [the] market precinct with an improved connection to Queen Street.”

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    The Queen Vic trader shed by NH Architecture.

    The trader shed and northern shed, which received heritage permits from Heritage Victoria in December 2020, would include new logistics, storage, waste and recycling facilities, customer toilets and dedicated trader toilets, showers and meeting rooms for the market’s 2000-strong workforce. Sally Capp said they would deliver important safety, efficiency and sustainability improvements.
    The advocacy group Friends of Queen Victoria Market, however, says the proposed changes risk developing a “shopping centre” operational model with fewer traders operating in a “boutique market” and entertainment precinct.
    The group detailed in a social media post how the planned reduction in delivery points and loading time would create a “logistical nightmare,” noting that centralized delivery, unloading and re-stocking was more appropriate for a supermarket.

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    The Queen Vic northern shed by NH Architecture.

    Council management is recommending that the redevelopment of the sheds be approved as well.
    Capp said the construction of the food hall, trader shed and northern shed was expected to get underway in early 2022, subject to approvals.
    “Queen Victoria Market is one of our most iconic destinations and we are committed to its renewal because this project creates hundreds of jobs now and will help to attract more shoppers for decades into the future,” she said.
    “Investing in the market is about delivering upgraded facilities for traders and customers to help local businesses thrive again and bringing back the buzz to one of our most important tourist destinations.”
    Works are underway for the $30 million heritage shed restoration and the Munro mixed-use tower development next to the market. More

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    Design competition for abuse victims and survivors memorial

    The Australian government has launched a design competition for a National Memorial for Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, to be built on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra.
    Establishing a national memorial was a key recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. In October 2020, the federal government committed $6.7 million to the project to establish “a place of truth and commemoration” and “to provide a dedicated and enduring place to reflect, pay tribute and remind future generations to be ever vigilant in protecting our children.”
    Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said, “Consultation told us the memorial should be a place of remembrance and a place that honours victims and survivors,” Minister Ruston said.
    “Without the strength of victims and survivors Australia may have never been able to come to terms with the awful truth about the abuse perpetrated in institutions entrusted to care for young Australians.
    “Their voices have created changes in all levels of society to ensure that children are protected from abuse in all institutions now and forever and this memorial will serve as a permanent tribute to them.”
    The competition is open to all Australian design professionals and collaborative teams, which may include architects, landscape architects, artists, sculptors, engineers, as well as those who have lived experience of institutional child sexual abuse.
    The competition website states that the design is “is of national significance [and] requires a high degree of design exploration, innovation and skill.”
    The government has chosen a site on the Acton Peninsula, close to the National Museum of Australia and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
    The site straddles Lawson Crescent and the edge of Lake Burley Griffin, and is described as “a foreshore urban woodland with panoramic views across Lake Burley Griffin to Stirling Park, Lennox Gardens and Parliament House. It enjoys glimpses through to the National Arboretum and the Brindabella Ranges to the west.”
    The jury will include an architect and landscape architect, as well as representatives from the National Capital Authority and the National Memorial Advisory Group, which includes people with personal experience of institutional child sexual abuse. It will be chaired by Peter McClellan, who was chief royal commissioner of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
    Submission to the competition open on 12 April and will close on 21 May. Construction of the memorial will start later in 2021, and it is due to open in 2022.
    “A national call for submissions has been deemed the most appropriate way to select a suitable design for the Memorial and we encourage those with the skills and expertise to apply,” said Nola Marino, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories. More