Urgent action needed to enhance bushfire resilience: Institute
The Australian Institute of Architects has called on governments to act urgently following the public release of the bushfire royal commission report.
The Institute says that while many of the royal commission’s recommendations are long term reforms, the recommendations regarding upgrades to building standards and the use of shelters and water spray systems must be implemented as soon as possible.
“The Royal Commission has noted key evidence that will save lives and deliver a more resilient built environment that is better equipped to face future challenges,” said Institute CEO Julia Cambage.
“They identified the need to evaluate the National Construction Code to include making buildings more resilient to natural hazards as a specific objective, as well as revisiting the effectiveness of the Australian Standard AS3959-2018: Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas.
“The Royal Commission recognized this standard is out of date and based on 2009 Forest Fire Danger Index data rather than responding to the much higher danger levels being experienced a decade later.”
The Institute says the recommendations need to go further and faster.
“With some 5,900 buildings destroyed and communities anxious to rebuild, governments have a limited window of time to effect reforms that will ensure a higher standard of more resilient construction,” Cambage continued.
“We can’t have people rebuilding to a standard that demonstrably is not fit-for-purpose.
“Nor can we fail to address the huge legacy issue and clearly identified risk presented by the 380,000 properties currently exposed to ‘high natural hazard risk’ which the Royal Commission’s report says ‘may grow to 735,000 by 2100…in the absence of any new houses being built, due to an increasing frequency and severity of hazards.’
“Supporting homeowners to install water spray systems or accredited bushfire bunkers where appropriate are relatively simple measures that are proven to enhance bushfire safety.”
Architect Nigel Bell, who gave evidence to the royal commission on behalf of the Institute, said, “The experience of the 2019-20 bushfire season suggests that there is no such thing as a bushfire proof house, and the legacy of our existing built environment suggests we are unable to guarantee the safety of occupants in buildings during bushfire.”
The Institute’s submission to the royal commission highlighted research that suggests up to a million existing houses in bushfire prone areas across Australia have little or no bushfire protection, with 2.2 million people living in high or extreme bushfire risk areas.
“This means we need to consider other approaches like the use of private and public shelters, such as they have done for decades in the United States as protection from hazards like wildfires and tornadoes,” Bell said.
The Institute also reiterated a call on the government to commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2030, with the royal commission report highlighting that “Extreme weather has already become more frequent and intense because of climate change; further global warming over the next 20 to 30 years is inevitable.”
Cambage said, “Resilience must include a commitment to net zero emissions in our buildings and responsiveness to our new climate reality because it is critically important to ensure that all rebuilding projects following natural disasters look to enhance the standard of our built environment.
“This has the added benefit of helping to mitigate the emerging issue of energy poverty and while also reducing vulnerability to future disasters.
“Built environment professionals have a critical role to play in improving the resilience and adaptation of Australian society to changing climatic conditions and we look forward to supporting a timely response from government to this landmark report.” More