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    Architects brace for cancellation of projects

    The preliminary results of a “pulse check” survey of Australian architects by the Association of Consulting Architects show that the majority of practices are anticipating, or have already experienced, the cancellation of projects in light of the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. The survey attracted responses from 1,341 practices, which collectively employed 12,167.5 full-time staff and 1,721 […] More

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    Perth City Deal paused amid pandemic uncertainty

    The Perth City Deal, which could see a new university campus created in the city’s CBD, will likely be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Western Australia’s planning minister Rita Saffioti has said. Aimed at increasing population density in the CBD, the City Deal would see the federal government chip in with funding for a […] More

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    Council backs Bates Smart’s Collins Street tower proposal

    City of Melbourne councillors have voted in favour of a Bates Smart designed tower proposed for “the Paris end” of Collins Street, going against the advice of council planners who called for the proposal to be rejected. The 26-storey tower at 52-60 Collins Street would house retail premises and office space, and would call for […] More

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    French architects appointed to lead University of Sydney design program

    French architects Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal, of Lacaton and Vassal Architects, have been appointed to share the inaugural Garry and Susan Rothwell Chair in Architectural Design Leadership at the University of Sydney’s School of Architecture, Design and Planning. Over a three-year period, Lacaton and Vassall who will deliver a program of design studios […] More

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    Major new university campus mooted for Canberra

    The University of New South Wales and the National Capital Authority have reached an agreement that will see a major new campus built on government-owned land within the Parliamentary Triangle in Canberra. The NCA and UNSW signed a memorandum of understanding in 2017 to guide discussion on the creation of an inner-city campus in the […] More

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    Instant classic – the many versions of St Martin-in-the-Fields

    In July 1720 – almost 300 years ago – the commissioners of St Martin-in-the-Fields solicited designs from London’s leading architects for a new church in which to worship. The architect that they selected from this highly competitive field was James Gibbs (1682–1754), one of the most exciting and original architects then working in the capital. The […] More

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    Architects' registration examinations suspended

    The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia will suspend its administering of the National Examination Paper until August in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. The National Examination Paper is part two of a three-part process to registration for Australian architects. The next sitting of the test was scheduled for 21 April. All candidates enrolled to take […] More

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    Forefather of Venice Architecture Biennale dies of coronavirus

    Italian architect and urban planner Vittorio Gregotti, progenitor of the Venice Architecture Biennale, has passed away in Milan of pneumonia as a consequence of COVID-19, according to a report from Corriere della Serra. He was aged 92. Gregotti’s wife, Marina Mazza, is being treated for the virus in Milan. In 1975, Gregotti curated an architecture […] More