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    New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero in Florida, USA

    Pablo S. Herrero and David de la Mano have returned to Winter Haven, Florida for the third time in 13 years, their bond with the city just growing a bit more. In some way, they are already part of a place that has treated them with respect and affection from the beginning. On this occasion they have painted 3 new pieces.They have painted a new whale with a variety of messages, including “The Calm (Route).”They were also able to jointly paint a very special piece called “The Sound.” This is a complex work that is charged with vibrations, resonances, echoes, screams, and murmurs.Finally, the artists were fortunate enough to be able to paint “Breath,” a work inspired by another that David and Pablo painted many years ago on an old bridge in Porto, Portugal.Check out below for more photos of the murals. More